Why Wait?

We all have regrets, don’t we?  Things we have said or done that we wish we could take back.  Situations where we’d like to back the tape up and have a do-over.  What about the things we HAVEN’T said?

Maybe it’s time to stop and think about what we might say at someone’s memorial service and tell them NOW.  What has this person meant to you?  How do you feel about that person?  Perhaps someone once said something to you that was life-changing and they didn’t even realize the impact it had.  Why do we wait until people are gone to say what they meant to us or how their life impacted ours?

Cemeteries may be full of people who never got to hear how special they were to someone because that wasn’t spoken until the funeral.  The clock is ticking for all of us.  Are you going to save the good thoughts about someone for after they’ve gone?

Here’s a thought:  why wait???

“You are like a mist that appears for a little while and vanishes away.”   (James 4:14)


  1. Henry Munzinger

    ‘Love is never having to say your sorry’, it is good to have no regrets; that being said I agree why wait.

  2. Sandra Nagel

    Excellent!! We need to say things today!!! Let people know how much we care!!! We need to love well!!!!

  3. Linda Lee Dircks

    Good word! Thanks – I don’t have time to write here. I need to talk to some people!

  4. Marilin

    I hope that when my time comes, everything that I wanted to say will have been said, and I may have peace. I’m working on it, because I know from past experience what a blessing it can be to both parties. I’d rather not wait, than be too late.

  5. Donna

    Teri, you are such an encouragement to me in the way you are diligent in keeping in touch with friends, lending a listening and understanding ear, and responding with truth (Jesus). Keep on sweet sister! Love you much.

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