Who’s Teaching Whom?

“Experience is the best teacher,” we often say.  That is, those of us who are older and have lived a good portion of life.  We seem to get comfortable and assume we’ve got this down, we have all this life experience so we know everything.  If life suddenly throws something our way we didn’t expect, we’re stunned and suddenly realize we aren’t as smart as we thought we were.  However, we also assume that it’s our job as more “seasoned” folks to teach the younger ones.  That’s a natural position to have.

But, then you spend time with those to whom you are fixated on imparting your vast knowledge.  And, suddenly you find out that YOU are the student.

While visiting my grandchildren recently, I had the privilege of attending my granddaughter’s Bible Club after school.  First of all, I was delighted and grateful they even have Bible Club that meets at a school in this day and age.  I was thrilled at the teaching as they focused on a verse from Romans, then saw a map of the world, highlighting the persecuted church and then praying for those enduring such suffering.  The leader asked anyone to raise a hand who wanted to go off with one of the helpers to pray and ask Jesus into his/her heart.  I couldn’t see Elli from where I was sitting.  A couple of nights later I spent the night with them and she was the first one up so she crawled in bed with me.  I asked how she liked school, how she liked basketball.  Yes, she liked both.  When I asked about Bible Club, she was even more enthusiastic, claiming she LOVED it.  I inquired if she had raised her hand when the leader offered a time to ask Jesus into her heart.  “No,” she said, “I did that already.”  When?  “Last summer.”  Who was with you?  “No one.  When I’m with Jesus, I just want to be alone with Him.”

She’s 6.

That not only thrilled me but also gave me pause.  Good point, Elli.

Then, there is my 9-year old granddaughter (soon to be 10), Renley, who lives in Texas and is currently on a list for a heart transplant.  She and her mom are living at their beach house – some 5 hours from their main home – because she can’t be very far from the hospital where the transplant team is, as they await a perfect match.  They were considering going to a weekend getaway with other families who have children with various health issues but the location was out of the proper range of the hospital.  The transplant team explained the risks but did not say not to go.  Renley’s parents were understandably concerned which they expressed to her when she asked about going.  Her response?  “Do you trust God?  I do and I don’t think He would allow that to happen.  He wouldn’t bring us this far and leave us.  God has a plan for us.  He knows what He’s doing.”

Schooled again!  By a 9-year old.

We may think we know it all and have it all together.  But, lessons are everywhere.  Out of the mouths of babes…


“…and a little child shall lead them.”  (Isaiah 11:6)


  1. Mary W

    I truly needed to hear that this morning. Thank you for faithfully sharing what God lays on your heart.

  2. Misty

    Such heartwarming stories. Thank you.

  3. Pam Bayha

    So touching! Praising God for your grandchildren and all the precious children all over the world who love Jesus with such a pure and simple faith. Yes. Let the little children lead us. Such a good lesson. ❤

  4. Larry

    An early morning blessing from precious little ones! Thx for that!

  5. Donna

    What beautiful granddaughters! JOY that you are getting to hear their words and love for and trust in Jesus. Way to invest in their young lives!! Enjoy every moment.

  6. Marilin

    Renley has no idea how she ministers to others in her young life. Over the years, hearing about her has blessed me in so many ways. Simple faith. Why do we have to make things so complicated. Just trust God. Renley does.

  7. Linda Christian

    Beautiful and thought provoking.

    • Judy Blake

      Nothing short of beautiful 😍

  8. Martha Emmons

    We need the simple faith of a child. Jesus said let the children come unto me. Maybe he needed to be refreshed by hearing their simple faith.

  9. Anne


  10. Sandra

    As I read of the faith exhibited by those two young people, I am mindful of the important seeds planted by their parents…and grandparents.

  11. Linda Dircks

    This is wonderful … oh, that every school would have Bible Club. What beautiful testimony to the goodness & kindness of God. THANKS!

  12. Barbara Winthrop

    I know Renley from church in Texas and she is always amazing me with bits of wisdom. She loves and she knows she is loved. I love to listen to the little ones.

  13. Marnie

    WOW!! What a wonderful way to wake up and read something so Beautiful 🙂 I couldn’t hold back my “happy” tears while I read this. Thank you so very much for sharing!

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