Who’s On First?

Some of us may remember the comedy routine by Abbott and Costello which was referred to by this same title:  Who’s on first?   (If you’re too young, google it for a laugh).  It was almost like watching a Burns and Allen segment that left you both boggled and laughing hysterically.

But, it’s an interesting question, isn’t it?  When the Lord was leading the sons of Israel out of bondage in Egypt, He had them stop at the base of Mount Sinai where they received key principles for living which we call The Ten Commandments.  They even serve as the basis for laws of government to this day.  And, what’s the first and foremost of those commandments?  “You shall have NO other gods before Me” and “You shall not make for yourself an idol”  (Exodus 20:3-4).  So much of the Bible is familiar to us that our eyes sort of gloss over and we don’t actually pay attention to what we read, or we assume we know it – and we also assume we follow it.  But. do we?

There are arguments for material things having become our idol:  our house, our car, our job or position, fame, fortune, status.  To know how important these things are to you, ask yourself if you’d be willing to give any of them up.  What about the technology in your life?  Your phone, computer, television.  Could you do without them?  What takes up most of your time?  We’ve all heard that whatever that is shows what’s important to you.

But, there’s another area that, for me at least, gets even stickier  and certainly more convicting.  WHO in my life has taken center stage?  Is there a family member (or, more than one) that we are telling God:  “Hands off!”  Is there someone we deem so important that we determine that person (s) to be out of bounds, not permitted?  Who’s on first in our hearts?  If I have placed my loved ones in that spot, it’s time to reevaluate and take a good look at my faith.  Is our focus on each other, or on the One who made us?


“He who loves mother or father more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.”    (Matthew 10:37)


  1. Larry Feigal

    This was very convicting to me. Since I lost Kathy, I’ve been asking that question to myself and to God. But now He’s all I have and yet the question is still one I need to keep asking to myself. Great insight. Thanks Teri.

  2. Sandra Nagel

    Indeed a great question!! Right now I need to focus on the Lord only. He directs my way!!! Thank you for the reminder , you are right on!!!! He is in control!!!!!!

  3. Henry Munzinger

    The LORD is above ALL!

  4. Thinking about putting family (or others) before God, I think about praying for their relationship with God. I’m putting them only in my prayers for their salvation. I need to be more consistent in praying for them. I know it’s in God’s hands and it he is in control.
    Thank you Teri. I really enjoy your posts.

  5. Donna

    Excellent question for consideration!!!
    Thanks Teri.

  6. Marilin

    God’s on first, Jesus is on second, the Holy Spirit is on third. When you hit a home run, they will be there waiting for you as you cross home plate. Maybe not biblical, but it’s been a long quarantine.

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    Very thoughtful post. Glad to be challenged!

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