White Noise: The Real Deal

When did the issue of “white noise” start?  I first heard of it when visiting one of my sons and discovered they have “white noise” in their room at night to help them sleep.  Anther son and his wife have “white noise” in their children’s rooms for the same reason.  I was offered a fan for the same purpose when visiting.  I suppose I could say I  have “white noise” with me at all times, but it’s actually called tinnitus.  I personally prefer quiet, although I did vacuum under the boys’ crib when they were little so they could learn to sleep, noise or not.

I started looking into this phenomenon and was surprised to discover there are many colorful noises which I’m sure you just can’t live without knowing about!  Merrian-Webster defines

White noise:   “constant background sound, especially that drowns out other sounds.”

Healthline refers to others:

“Pink noise:  rustling leaves, steady rain, wind;

Brown noise:  strong waterfalls, thunder;

Black noise:  complete silence”

Growing up summers in Glacier gave me an opportunity to hike to McDonald Falls at the head of Lake McDonald and, in the absence of meeting a bear, spend some time sitting alone by the Falls.  I found this to be extremely relaxing, the perfect spot to refresh and commune with nature and its Creator.  Thus, I went often.  I can’t say that I agree with the idea that I was subject in those times to “brown noise”.  It you look at the Falls, they are clearly “white”.           😉                  They are the real deal!    

The point is that we all need to find a place once in awhile (or, on a regular basis) where we can sit and spend some time being quiet and enjoying the surroundings and appreciating the gift of life.  Every year when I go to Montana, I visit the spot again.  It calms me and reminds me of my many blessings.

Where’s your special spot?   Been there lately?


“A tranquil heart is life to the body.”    (Proverbs 14:30)


  1. Noise colors! I’ve heard of white noise but not the rest. Personally, the wind (pink noise) is familiar to me having grown up in Nebraska where wind is a very common occurrence. And then one trip to Baja California when I awoke in the night to hear what sounded like wind but it was the waves of the ocean, made me realize how similar they sound. The wind and waves remind me of God’s MIGHT. This morning I’m thankful for the rustling leaves. And I’m thankful for your challenge to take time to LISTEN.

  2. It’s a really beautiful spot! I can practically hear the power of the falls. God has given us so much to enjoy and be thankful!

  3. Marilin

    Lake Tahoe is my place to refresh. But I still need my little noise machine at night when I sleep. I like the sound of the ocean, and I like the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. It reminds me of Lake Arrowhead summers. I like sounds – but I also like the sound of silence.

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