When God Blows You A Kiss

Years ago I found myself in Montana with my dad who suffered with Alzheimer’s and had gotten to be in need of more care than we could give him.  Since we all spent the better part of the year in Arizona, the place had to be there.  I needed to transport him back, but that involved changing planes in Salt Lake City.  My parents had dear friends there so I contacted my dad’s buddy who agreed to be at the airport when we got off the plane to spend the time of the layover with us.  The year was 1996 so it was before 9/11 and the increased security, though there were still certain regulations about who could board a plane.  When we landed, I decided to wait to deplane as my dad was on a medication to, hopefully, maintain his cooperation through the journey.  The plane emptied out and as we were preparing to stand and exit, I looked up and who was coming down the aisle of the plane, but Bob!  He greeted my dad, “C’mon, Jim!’ taking him by the arm and escorting him out.  I was absolutely stunned.  Amazed.  Grateful.  It was as if God had blown me a kiss!  Bob stayed with us until we boarded our next flight and did his best to engage my dad in conversation.  What an incredible help.

Perhaps you have stories of times when God has in effect blown you a kiss.  A story like that is not always so dramatic and the circumstances don’t necessarily have to be dire.  One day Dave went to the hardware store to get a filter for our heating system.  They didn’t have the exact one so he bought another.  On the way out the door there was someone collecting money for a worthy cause so he deposited $5.00 in the can.  When he arrived home, he discovered he could vacuum out the old filter, use it for awhile and thus, return the one he had felt the need to buy.  In doing so, he would get back how much?  Yep  $5.00!  Not really necessary, but it does make one smile.

God isn’t sitting up on His throne, bored with all of us or taking a nap, or not caring about each one of us.  He is a Father who loves His children.  If earthly fathers can enjoy doing things for their kids, imagine how the Almighty, Perfect, Loving Father relishes doing the same (only better) for His beloved children.

God might blow you a kiss at any moment.  Watch for it and enjoy!


“Every good and perfect gift is from above…”  (James 1:17)

“See how great a love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called children of God; and such we are.”  (1 John 3:1)



  1. Linda Dircks

    i can type with 1 finger on left hand…filled this out and it blew away, ive enjoyed kisses, too.

  2. Larry

    Love that picture and that thought! Praying for one of those kisses for a young girl I’ve been praying for!

  3. Manrie

    Beautiful! It is the best feeling ever when you think you are alone and God blows us a kiss. ( He always finds a way to comfort us)

  4. Marilin

    The key, like you said, is to watch for it. I think many kisses go by unnoticed because we think they have to be something big. Look for the tiny ones. The little wisps. They are precious gifts from the God who loves us.

  5. Martha Emmons

    Joe and I have been on the receiving end of many small and huge kisses lately. We are so grateful to God for his kisses.

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