When Death Comes Knocking

Don’t answer!!!

That’s how we look at it, isn’t it?  If there is anything in life that doesn’t fit with our plan, we choose to simply ignore it.  We convince ourselves that by doing this, it will just go away.  Unfortunately, that never works.  Eventually, reality slaps us upside the head.  Refuse to pay your electric bill and your power gets turned off.  Forget to fill the gas tank (or, recharge your vehicle) and it won’t take you where you want to go.

Choices have consequences.  Ignore the facts about Jesus (“for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life”  John 3:16) and time may run out when you least expect it.  We all know someone who died suddenly and unexpectedly.

Maybe you already know Jesus and you feel ready.  Good.  But, consider:  is there anyone you need to forgive, or conversely, is there anyone you need to ask to forgive you?  Is there any gratefulness and gratitude you haven’t yet expressed to someone?  Are there any words you have left unsaid?

When death comes knocking, you can’t ignore it.  So, be ready.


“…confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and be saved…”  (Romans 10:9)

“You are like a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.”  (James 4:14)

“Moreover, man does not know his time…”  (Ecclesiastes 9:12)


  1. Donna

    What a necessary reality check!
    I thank God for you Teri, for sharing His truth and love in so many ways!!

  2. Linda Dircks

    Goodness! Truth is we all live on borrowed time and it can be “up” at any moment. Life is but a blink of an eye….Am I ready? …to meet Him face to face? …could He say, “I don’t know you?” Self examination is to be a daily…minute by minute activity. Thanks Teri for the challenge!

  3. Larry

    Some things I’m glad I don’t know ahead but I’m glad I know ahead that He’s coming soon! At least no later than the end of our lives. So most of us don’t have to wait long no matter when!

  4. Todd

    Something we all need to be ready for at any age and any time

  5. Marnie

    Beautiful 🙂

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