What’s Your Anchor?

Living in Glacier National Park in the summer months as I was growing up gave me an opportunity to spend a great deal of time both on the lake and in the lake – enjoying boating, fishing, skiing, swimming, etc.  It was a wonderful place to be!  We always had a boat of some sort – usually a speed boat.  My dad had a buoy out a ways from the dock where he would moor the boat overnight.  That term basically indicates a securing of the craft with lines and an anchor.  When storms would blow up on the lake, the boat remained attached to the buoy where it rode the waves as far out as its line allowed.

Occasionally, if we had used the boat later in the evening and it looked like a fairly calm and clear night, he might leave the boat at the dock.  There was an occasion where that didn’t turn out too well.  A big storm blew up and, after battering against the dock, it broke off partially, took on a tremendous amount of water and subsequently, sank.  It was not a pretty picture.

What a metaphor for life!  When storms blow up in  our lives, we need an anchor.  Without that, we blow hither and yon and can get damaged in the process as we toss about.  If you watch a boat that is hooked to an anchor, you will see it toss this way and that, enduring the shifting waters that slam against it from various angles.  Yet, it stays able to ride those waves and make it through the storm because the anchor holds fast.

What is your anchor?  Is it your stock account or savings book?  Is it your current job that provides you with a nice income?  Is it your good looks that you feel will carry you through life?  How stable is any of that?  Fame is fleeting.  Ask any movie star.  Stock markets crash and people can lose everything.  To what are you bound?  Many would answer:  “Nothing.”  But, reality says differently.  Those who build their house on the sand eventually get washed away.  Those who build on the Rock are secure.  You choose.


“This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast.”  (Hebrews 6:19)

“The Lord is upright; He is my Rock.”  (Psalm 92:15)


  1. Linda

    This is a good word considering the times we are living in. Thank you.

  2. Larry

    Thank you Teri for that great picture. We are secure in Him!

  3. Sharon Elliott

    God is my anchor

  4. Sharon Elliott

    God is my anchor

  5. Marilin

    When Jesus is your anchor, you need not worry, for nothing can carry you away from His strong hold. Thanks for the reminder that we are safe and secure in His love.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    He’s my ONLY HOPE! May we depend on His faithfulness alone.

  7. Martha

    Thank God, He sent His son to be our anchor in troubled times.

  8. Marnie

    God keeps us grounded and makes us feel secure!

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