What’s It Like, Lord?

While on yet another walk, I was enjoying the colors of the beautiful and peaceful sunrise, praying all the while.  I realized my prayers on the routine walk were often (regrettably) the same – also routine.  Like the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), I seem to bring the same things to the Lord on a daily basis.  I thought, “That must get boring to hear every day.”

My mind wandered into realizing that God – because He is omniscient – is not surprised by that.  I thought then about surprises.  Sometimes they’re tough to take, but other times: what fun!  Yet, God never experiences a surprise.  Hmmm…

What’s it like to make something (the world, the universe, for example) out of nothing (ex nihilio)?  What’s it like to form a man out of dust and a woman from a rib?  What’s it like to form a human in the body of another human?  What’s it like to hear millions of people communicating with you at once and be able to keep it straight (or, not get messed up as I do when two people talk at the same time)?

What’s it like to give your life – even for some who don’t even like you?

Have you ever been curious: what must it be like to be God?  It’s not a position – being God (though some act like they think they are) – that you and I will ever be in.  But, we can certainly pause and reflect on His majesty and splendor.

What’s it like, Lord?


“Then, I will meditate on Your wonders…”  (Psalm 119:27)



  1. Larry

    Wow! What An amazing God we have! Thx Teri

  2. Marnie

    So very thankful for our Amazing God! Thank you 🙂


    Well…this brings perspective! What an awesome God we serve!!

  4. Martha Emmons

    I thank God for your thoughts, for your perspective about things I never thought of. You are a blessing to me. Thank you.

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