What Is A Mother?

What is a mother?  The short, clinical answer is:  a female parent of a child.  But, as we approach Mother’s Day, many things come to mind.  For moms still raising children, hectic schedules and never-ending (seemingly) responsibilities are at the forefront.  Those of us who are older have our memories of both being a mom and having a mom.

Moms come in all shapes and sizes, cultures and backgrounds.  Having a baby makes one a birth mother, but that alone doesn’t qualify her to receive an award.  Adoptive moms are no less a mom.  The criterion for being a good mom is simple (yet, involved):  love.  A mom may be called anything from Mama, Mom, Ma, to Mommy or any number of things, depending on the person’s native language.  But, the mom’s “job” is basically the same.  In infancy, she takes care of needs.  For a toddler, the need is also for protection.  As the child ages, she teaches, guides, instructs and continues to provide and protect.  By junior high and high school, her role changes gradually as she lets out more rope and allows the emerging adult to experiment, grapple and become increasingly independent.  Before she knows it, she is mom to an adult who may also be a parent.

Being a mom is both mentally and physically exhausting, but it is also the greatest of blessings.  Whether a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, a birth mom, an adoptive mom, a step-mom or a foster mom, the responsibilities and privileges are there.

A good mom is always there to listen and care, to advise, to laugh and cry with you, but always and forever to love you no matter what.  She is your biggest fan and that never changes.

A good mother may not be perfect, but she is a picture of sacrifice:  giving up her time, sometimes her personal desires, her schedule, her freedom to put another first in all things.  Doing that for years, she then sacrifices again by letting go.  And, she does it all out of love.

The truth is that even after she’s gone – when you can no longer hear her voice or hold her hand – she’s still impacting your life, forever locked in your heart and always with you.

A blessed Mother’s Day to all.  Pause and be grateful.


“Her children rise up and call her blessed…”   (Proverbs 31:28)


  1. Misty

    That was a lovely dedication to Moms. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. David

    Your Mother-in-law says “thanks” and that she is very proud of you.

  3. David

    Your Mother-in-law says “thanks” and that she is very proud of you.

  4. Crystal Hamilton

    A beautiful reminder. I’m so blessed to have my beautiful Mom live with us. She means more to me than words can say. Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Love you! ❤️🤗😘
    Teri thanks for blessing us each week with your blog. Hope you’ll be the recipient of some spoiling in the upcoming days and weeks. You deserve it! Love you too! 🤗❤️

  5. Pam Bayha

    What a wonderful Mother’s Day message, Teri. And I loved the picture of you and your mom. So precious! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day enjoying all the love that will be coming your way. ❤

  6. Sandi Nagel

    What a beautiful tribute!!! The picture of love says it!! Agape love ❤️! You , Teri are a true blessing to many!! Thank you for sharing from the heart!! Happy Mother’s Day !!

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    Our Mom’s surely continue to reside on the back side of our minds … her voice still encouraging, instructing, warning, teaching! Thanks Teri

  8. Linda M Christian

    Thank you for this lovely reminder of a mother’s love.

  9. Marilin

    Yes, I love the flowers, the candy and the cards, but this year, after reading your blog, I have decided to honor my mother and Bill’s mom by cooking some favorites that I enjoyed with them, their specialities, or dishes that we enjoyed together as a reminder. It might be a mish-mash, but using their silver, china and etc. will bring us closer on their special day. My mom and I used to make seven-up floats with strawberry ice cream during the summer. YUM! Our family is big on loving with food. Thanks for the reminder, and may your day be blessed!

  10. Stephanie

    I love this and you! And, Marilin, I have a sweets loving 13 year old who thrives on cheesecake and root beer floats. A 7-Up float never crossed my mind! But, I may score some Mom points when we try this! Thank you for sharing!

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