What in the World?

As the summer wound down, my son – now part owner in my parents’ Montana home – was experiencing the feelings we did every Fall:  the dread of packing up and going back to the reality of reconnecting with the world.  He was contemplating this as he gazed out at the beautiful glacier-fed lake when suddenly, an eagle flew – seemingly out of nowhere – and swooped down at the very moment a fish jumped, grasping it in her mouth.  This mother eagle was then followed closely by her baby as they went off to enjoy their snack.  How could she have known the exact second the fish would jump?  Perhaps we now know where the expression “Eagle Eye” originated.

I once watched a documentary on Yellowstone National Park which showed much of the area, its beauty, the wild life and the seasons.  Winter, as you can imagine, can be especially brutal there.  But, they captured an incredible video of a wolf trotting across an open area that was covered in 6-8′ of snow.  Without warning, he suddenly dove straight down and just as suddenly reappeared with his prize – a rodent – hanging out from between his teeth.  I was astounded at how quickly it all took place.  He never stopped to indicate he had heard anything.  Just straight down through the snow and back up with the reward for his efforts.

My youngest son has a dear, old dog who has been in the household for years.  He’s never been one to bark, but now that the house is full of little ones, he shows he does have a voice.  Whenever he perceives a danger toward any of those in his charge, he barks like crazy.

The eagle, the wolf and the dog.  To what can we attribute their actions?  Instinct.

My friend who is blind can read a face and a mood often better than any of us with sight.  Instinct.

God’s creation is pretty amazing, isn’t it?


“God saw all that He had made and, behold, it was very good.”   (Genesis 1:31)


  1. Carol

    It reminds me of the hymn His eye is on the Sparrow and I know He watches me.

  2. Linda Lee Dircks

    Nature: My favorite of God’s creation. Having grown up in the north woods of Minnesota I had the best view and insight of the world. Sometimes; very early in the morning I could go out on our dock on the lake and sit very still and quietly as the fog moved out “on little cat fee.” The Blue Heron would fish beside that dock and would look curiously at me, but let me share its space. The thrill is indescribale!

  3. Sandra

    The world is a noisy place….it takes practice to be able to hear the still small voice.

  4. Donna

    Amazing Creator!!

  5. Marilin

    My son’s dog is very protective of Baby Kairie, but he could care less about the rest of us – the dog, not Wil. Why is that? Instinct? God’s creatures, and the way they care for their young, is quite precious.

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