What Goes Around

How often do we get upset about something someone does – and then later catch ourselves doing the same thing?  Doesn’t that sort of sting?  Honestly, many years ago I found myself critical of a situation in someone’s family and it wasn’t long before that same situation developed in my own family.  As I thought about other possibilities, I decided to be more cautious about what critical thoughts I had about others and their families lest the same befall ours.

However, at times when I am driving, I get annoyed with another driver and pretty soon, I catch myself being guilty of the same.  It’s as though God tapped me on the shoulder to jar me into reality.

This came to my attention recently as I took a trip out to visit family in California.  What a wonderful time I was having!  I just had to share some of it with Dave so I sent him a text.  Oops.  I forgot it was later where he was and I woke him up.  He was quick to point out (nicer than I might have) that doing that (forgetting the time difference),  has often annoyed me when someone in an earlier time zone texts me before I am up.  Ouch!

Isn’t it easy to look upon others and see their frailties, but miss our own?  But, when it comes back around to bite us, and we actually have to look in a mirror, it hurts.  We understand no one else is perfect.  We may even grasp that we aren’t perfect, either, but when real-life examples slap us in the face and it gets personal, we recoil in frustration and embarrasment.  Am I the only one who has experienced this?

As my grama used to say, “We go to school every day.”  I wish I could say, “Lesson learned.”


“And, why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”  (Luke 6:41)


  1. Cathy

    You are definitely not alone! Thank you for the reminder!❤️🤗🙏🏻

  2. Larry

    Ouch! Speaking for myself!!!

  3. Marnie

    Great reminder! Each day we need to be patient!

  4. Linda Dircks

    Yeah, it’s just you! NOT!!! I need to neutralize my critical heart for sure!

  5. Sharon Elliott

    How true. Everytime I dont like something in someone else its not long and I see that
    something in me. God always let’s me know.

  6. Stephanie

    A wise woman once gifted a book, “Unoffendable.” Life changer!

  7. Marilin

    Boy, this is true!

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