Well, I Never!!!

This is an old-time expression that is hardly ever used anymore, and it conjures up a picture of a stuffy old lady who has just received what she views as a grave insult.  Thus, her response:  “Well, I never!” as she stomps out.

Yet, this very expression caused me to think of so many things I have never experienced, suffered, or had to endure.

I have never had to hunt for my dinner every day out in the wild.  I have never had to bake a cake in a wood stove.  I have never gone without eating because there was no food.  I have never been viciously attacked, tortured or forced to denounce my faith.  I have never been robbed, beaten or maligned.  Perhaps some of you have (we each have our own list of nevers).

America, for all of her (self-induced) faults is still the richest country in the world.  Around the globe are many who are hungry; they  are mistreated, imprisoned falsely, living in a war zone.

Yet, we who are “fat and sassy” still complain.  How dare we?

Try listing the things you have never had to go through.  “Well, I never!” takes on new meaning.  It moves us from being insulted to being grateful.


“God is faithful who will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able.”   (1 Corinthians 10:13)



  1. Donna

    Great Exercise to produce gratitude! Thanks Teri.

  2. Linda Dircks

    How thought provoking! My head is aflood of nevers. We are so fortunate and so smug. Thank you once again for keeping us humble!

  3. Linda

    It humbles me as I consider all the hardships that millions of people suffer every day in other parts of the world. Thank you for the “reset,” Teri, I needed that.

  4. Larry

    Yes. We have nothing to complain about. We are truly blessed. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. Marilin

    Some people keep a “journal’ of one thing they are thankful for each day. Maybe a “journal’ of “nevers” would be meaningful as well in leading our hearts toward thanksgiving, especially since Thanksgiving is coming up soon. Our God is so great!

  6. Judy

    Yes, we are a spoiled people.

  7. Marnie

    Good idea! Sometimes we need to stop and realize how much we have to be thankful for 🙂

  8. Pam Bayha

    I am reading this a day late, but want to say Amen to your post, Teri. And Amen to everyone’s replies. Thanks so much for another great thought provoking post.❤

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