Watch and Learn

Being a parent is a huge job which goes on for the better part of 20 years or so without a break or time off.  It is  24/7 job which can alternately exasperate and elate even the strongest hard-nose.  It is a challenge on many levels, not the least of which is that the wee ones have an amazing capacity to observe.  They don’t miss a trick!  They hear every word spoken and they take in every nuance and attitude which the elder may attempt to cover up.  Children are relentless when it comes to copying and imitating the adults in their circle.  You don’t even have to tell them to do so.  It’s just innate.

As we get older, it becomes a choice.  Eventually, we stop doing it altogether, feeling we have found our niche and don’t need any help, thank you very much.

My niece in PA (Physician’s Assistant) School was recently home on break.  She utilized this time to “shadow” her dad’s former PA who now works with another spine surgeon.  She was fortunate to have this opportunity at this stage.  Internships come later in the course work at school.  This meant that she got to observe another PA doing the work that she may desire to do herself one day.  Following someone around to observe is such an excellent way to find out what they actually do, rather than just discussing it.

We’re such a visual society, with all of our electronic devices that will show us whatever we want to see in a matter of seconds.  What do we do if we want to be more like the Lord?  We can’t actually see Him, can we?  That does make it tougher.  In thinking about this, I came to realize that I have had people in my life who have modeled Him for me.  In one of his letters, Paul even said, “Imitate me” (1 Corinthians 4:16).  Not sure I could ever say that, but I do recall some people in my life I wouldn’t mind emulating.

The problem, of course, is that humans are fallible so there are limits to what we can learn from them.  However, we DO have the Gospels which tell us and show us much about Jesus, what He said and how He lived His life.  We have His Spirit who leads and guides us, who can help us “watch and learn”.  Maybe when we grow up, we can be as observant as small children.       🙂


” ‘Follow Me’, Jesus told him and Levi got up and followed Him.”    (Mark 2:14)


  1. Sandra

    Amen to that! And I started motherhood with a 12-year-old and an 18-year-old…plus 2 out of the house. We made it…by the grace of God.

  2. Marilin

    Now that I have my first grandchild as of last week, I must be careful what she watches and learns from me as time goes on. I hope she will see a little Jesus in me in how I love her, and in my words and deeds. And after I’m gone, I pray she will seek the Jesus that I will speak to her about and that she will then watch and learn all about His love.

  3. Martha Emmons

    Oh that we could see ourselves as others see us, especially little ones. Martha

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    A bit chilling to think carelessness can dissolve our testimony to Christ-likeness!

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