Wanna Get Away?

This idea was most recently adopted by an airline company in their ads, but it was previously used as, “Calgon, take me away…” where you’d see a mom soaking in a tub of bubbles, trying to refresh herself after a day at the office or chasing toddlers all over.  Such a peaceful and relaxing scene.

Some people might need a break from work: a vacation; others might crave some quiet, adult time away from kids: a babysitter!  Perhaps you need some time away from the news (as we saw last week): hit the OFF button.

But, have you ever wanted to get away – from yourself?  Please.  We aren’t talking about anything drastic or permanent, but you’d just kinda like to get away from yourself for awhile?

It seems at times, I confess, I even bore myself.  Do you ever feel that way?  And, then I get frustrated when I seem to confess the same stupid stuff to God.  It turns out even the Apostle Paul dealt with this.

“For that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to, but I am doing the very thing I hate…for the good that I wish, I do not do, but I practice the very evil I do not wish.”   (Romans 7:15, 19)

This actually sounds like a merry-go-round.  But, nobody is “merry” and you just want to get off!  What’s a ragged human to do?  We can’t escape ourselves, but we can at least return to God’s ever-flowing fountain of grace where we can be cleansed and renewed.  God knows our faults and loves us, anyway.

If you don’t need a vacation or a babysitter, but you need some help hanging around with yourself, try soaking in the tub of God’s understanding and forgiveness.  It cleans and refreshes at the same time.

Wanna get away?  Remember that God made you and He doesn’t make mistakes!


“Wretched man that I am!  Who will set me free…but, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord,”  (Romans 7:24-25)


  1. Donna

    Order me that tub of grace! Great post Teri. I’m Grateful for God’s Word which is so available to us, and it’s cleansing power.

  2. Marilin

    When things would get a little hectic, my grandmother (Baba) used to tell us to “Take five.” It helped. Just a few minutes to calm down and be refreshed. Taking five in God’s tub of understanding and forgiveness will wash you with His love, and that “get-away” is free!

  3. Linda Christian

    I love your reminder to soak in the tub of God’s understanding and forgiveness. Thank you for the reminder of how much we are loved.

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