
Has this ever happened to you?  You give someone a present and you hear absolutely nothing???  Not so much as a Thank You text, much less the old-time hand-written note!  My mom was ruthless in her demand that we write those notes.  Carrying on the tradition, I recall making my sons sit at the kitchen counter to do the same.  When they griped and complained, I reminded them that this person did not have to give them a gift.

We try to teach our children some of what we call the “basics”:   “Excuse me.”  “Pardon me. ”  “Nice to meet you.”  “Please.”  “Thank you.”  But, how often are we grateful to God?  The Scriptures tell us over and over to express our thanks to our Heavenly Father.

Psalm 100:4 – Give thanks to Him and bless His name.

Psalm 118:28 – You are my God and I give you thanks.


Because       “Every good and perfect GIFT is from above.”    (James 1:17)

Because       “Unto us a Son is GIVEN…”   (Isaiah 9:6)

Because       “The GIFT of God is eternal life.  (Romans 6:23)

But, how could a person die for someone who hated him, made fun of him, spat on him, even demanded his death?  Makes not getting a note seem trivial, doesn’t it?

And, then:       “Father, forgive them…”      (Luke 23:34)

Wow.  Talk about unappreciated!


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    THANK YOU!!!

  2. Henry Munzinger

    Give thanks to The Lord Our God, for he good, his mercy endures forever!

  3. MarthaEmmons

    May we always remember Jesus’ example and follow it.

  4. Marilin

    Just talked about giving gifts to unappreciative nieces and nephews and friends during my devotional on Monday. I guess I just need to thank God that He has given them to me to enjoy and then watch as they have unappreciative children of their own, haha!

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