The Right Answer

Have you ever wondered, “What exactly IS the right answer?”  There are definitely issues that are baffling so it’s natural to wonder.  An answer may come, but is it the right one?  And, how do we know?  Are we even asking the right question???

When you read the Bible, do you ever come across the people asking God for someone to die for their sins?  Did anyone ever think they even needed it?  They had their animal sacrifices, after all.

Yet, He sent His Son for that particular purpose.

We ask for all sorts of things.  Sometimes the answer is, “Yes”.  Sometimes, it’s “No”.  And, at other times it’s “Wait”.  But, there are times when God does something – like when He sent Jesus to die (which, at the time looked weird) -and that is EXACTLY what we needed.

The truth is:  He knows what we need better than we do.  We may not even ask the right question, but He ALWAYS has the right answer!


“…for your Father knows what you need…”   (Matthew 6:8)


  1. Larry

    Sometimes hard to understand but it’s true. His answer is always the right one even when I don’t get it! Thx Teri!

  2. Pam Bayha

    Amen to what Larry said.

  3. Linda Dircks

    A thought provoking question! Thank you for making me think!

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