The Prophetic Gifts

This title may seem a bit misleading as it implies a conversation about the gift of prophecy.  We certainly have many examples in Scripture of those who prophesied, but in this case I am referring to some significant gifts that in and of themselves were prophetic.

As we approach the acknowledgement of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, it brings to mind the occasion of His birth.  We may all remember the visit from the angel announcing His impending arrival to Mary and the subsequent assurance to Joseph, her betrothed.  But, on the heels of His birth in the stable we read in Matthew 2:1-2

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold magi from the east arrived in  Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He who has been born the King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and have come to worship Him.’ ”

Matthew 2:11 continues:

“And, they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother and they fell down and worshipped Him and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

There are multiple avenues we might go down here,  Gold is often associated with deity and they did refer to Him as “King of the Jews”.  Frankincense was an ingredient used in the perfume of the sanctuary, burned in the Temple by the High Priest.  Myrrh was used in the holy anointing oil for consecrating the priests, but also for embalming the dead.

In the simplest terms, we might say that gold represented Christ as King, frankincense as Priest and the myrrh as (some say) a Prophet, bringing with Him the words of truth and foretelling His own death.  These things are true.  However, the book of Hebrews offers even more insight.

“For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens who does not need daily, like those high priests to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins and then for the sins of the people, because He did this once for all when He offered up Himself.”   (Hebrews 8:26-27)

The gifts brought by the magi (whether they knew it or not) prophesied the death of Jesus.  Frankincense was used by the High Priest in the Temple – which He Himself entered – as He offered the ultimate sacrifice.  That sacrifice was Himself which He gave unto death, indicated by the embalming property of the myrrh.  That sacrifice for the sins of the world was even more valuable than the most precious of stones:  gold, the best available.  Their gifts foretold His future.

Jesus came to minister, to serve (as He Himself proclaimed), but He also came to die.  How much more could He give than Himself? May you be reminded of that as you celebrate this Easter.


“But, God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  (Romans 5:8)


  1. James & Linda Dircks

    Thanks Teri for this precious reminder as we approach this Holy Week!

  2. Larry

    Thx Teri for this lesson and picture of our King of Kings! New food for thought and meditation!

  3. Martha

    How great His love for us. How undeserved we are of it. Thank you, Jesus.

  4. Donna

    What a Savior! Jesus loves us so!
    Thank you for communicating important truths. Trusting your Easter was good🙌

  5. Marilin

    Great reminders at Easter and all through the year as we lift our heads in thanksgiving.

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