The Power of Words

We often speak before we think.  Our mouths may even pretend to have a life of their own.    It’s as if something escaped our lips and it was totally out of our control. When some of us were growing up, there was saying we used to parrot: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.”  Where in the world did we get that idea?  When I had opportunity to put my granddaughters to bed one night,  I decided to skip the kids’ prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep..” because I didn’t want to scare them with “if I should die before I wake”.  I know how the prayer ends but instead we each said our own prayer to God – which were heartfelt – and no one went off to bed frightened.

Think back to a time when someone said something that was very hurtful to you.  It may have been years ago, but the words, the circumstances, the location all come back to you, don’t they?  As if time stopped and it was embedded in your mind’s eye forever.  Perhaps you have forgiven the person, but the memory is still there.

Now think of a time when someone said something positive to you.  Something uplifting or complimentary.  Too often those things are few and far between so they are also etched in our brain.  It may have given you the courage to do something you might not have otherwise done or attempted.  It may have changed the direction of your life.  This person may not have even realized what it meant to you.

We may not always know the impact our words have on someone else:  for bad or for good.  But, remembering both effects in our own life should encourage each of us to control our tongue and weigh our words carefully before they escape our lips.  Words can hurt or they can heal.  Which do yours do?


“Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, Thou dost know it all.”  (Psalm 139:4)

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”   (Proverbs 25:11)


  1. Jan

    Words do hurt- in today’s society we are bombarded with hateful rhetoric! I pray for kindness to return.

  2. Larry

    Thx again for that reminder Teri. Our words are so important and the way they’re said!

  3. Linda Lee Dircks

    You have this right … we MUST ask for a watch guard on our mouth. Too often we speak before we think! What’s that saying? Be certain the brain is in gear before putting the mouth in motion!

  4. Anna May Riddell

    You got me thinking about every word I speak during the day. May I only speak blessings upon those I come in contact with. Thanks Teri

  5. sandra

    So much frustration…and anger in the world today. May I be slow to take umbrage, and quick to keep my speech positive, aka Christ-like.

  6. Stephanie

    I try to be “Unoffendable” from others, but I know my quick words have offended. I still cringe at some things I’ve said. 🙁

  7. Marilin

    Recently, over the past some months, I have been trying to control my response time by “taking five” before I spout off, or rather, listening to what God is saying to me before I respond. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I’m running out of duct tape. 🤐

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