The Power of One

Our world focuses on numbers.  Big numbers mean success.  But, think back to your school days and one teacher who took time for you and altered the course of your life.  Or, consider someone who mentored you along the way.  Someone who saw you as special and made you feel that way, too.  Who have you helped?  Taken time for?  One, single, seemingly unimportant person.

Ivy Jorgensen just married the man of her dreams, attended by not one, but 15 men who had taken the time for her as she grew up.  Some were family, others coaches.  One was a school resource officer which wound up being the career path she chose.  Each one was there for her when she needed them and each one stood with her for the important occasion of her wedding day.

Do you suppose these men – so significant to her in life – realized the impact they were having at the time?  The men who stood by her on this special day got a chance to know the impact they had on her life.  It doesn’t always work that way.  I doubt if my dear grama knew what a tremendous blessing she was to me.  (Tell people while you can!)

Every person you come in contact with has value.  Treat them in such a way as to honor that value.  We don’t always have opportunity to make a life-changing difference in someone’s life, but the grocery store clerk might benefit from a smile and a not-so-common courtesy.  A waitress who spills something on you more than likely didn’t do it on purpose, but rather may be stressed to the max.  We want people to be patient with us but often neglect to return the favor.  How many of us are too busy and preoccupied to be kind?  Too self-absorbed to put someone else first?  Too concerned with numbers to focus on the one?

Jesus showed us the importance of the individual as He primarily ministered one-on-one.

You may never know how your kind words, encouragement, care and time affect the life of another.  But, your knowing is not the point, is it?


“Love one another as I have loved you.”  (John 13:34)


  1. Linda

    Excellent reminder. So practical. So simple, yet profound. Thank you for taking the time to write.

  2. Mary

    Amen! Amen! No, it is not the point. Again I say amen! What a wonderful and timely reminder.

  3. Larry

    Thank you for that Teri! A blessing!

  4. Donna

    You are one who has encouraged me with your friendship and prayers! I am one very thankful friend!!!

  5. Sandi Nagel

    Kindness!!’ What a concept!! Thank you for reminder and examples! You are right on!!!! Thank you dear friend! I cherish you!

  6. todd

    I speak for my brothers when I say you were certainly one of those people for us, mom

  7. Marilin

    One thing I pray for Baby Kairie is that she will grow up to be kind. Thanks for your thoughts. Teri.

  8. Linda Dircks

    What a terrific reminder! Thank you for bringing it to us. I can think of many – I wonder if I’ll see them in eternity. Then I wonder if i will remember their impact!

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