A Most Undesirable Club

If you’ve ever lost someone, you know how it hurts.  We would all do anything to avoid it.  But, eventually it befalls us all.  Nobody really understands the hurt until they’ve been there.  You can’t even explain to someone the ache when you stub your toe so you certainly can’t communicate this.

Each loss leaves a hole in your heart that can never be refilled or patched up.  It just is.  Some people have multiple holes so that their heart may resemble swiss cheese.  And, yet it continues to love.

When one of our friends would go through the loss of a loved one for the first time, my husband (whose first hole came at age four) would admit sadly, “He’s one of us now”, meaning he had inadvertently joined the most undesirable club there is – the club of loss.

When you read about grief, there are stages listed (as if they can be crossed off) and the final one is “Acceptance”.  Does anyone  actually get there?  It’s been 10 years and I still want to stop by and see my mom, talk and laugh with her.  It’s been 25 years and I still want to sit on the deck in Montana and ask my dad some things.

Maybe accepting is not fighting it anymore.  I honestly don’t know.

Dave has a plaque in his office that reads:

“I have no yesterdays,

Time took them away;

Tomorrow may not be,

But, I have today.”

And, so we put one foot in front of the other, and we keep going.  We may have holes in our heart, but there is still love to give, and there is no shortage of those who need it.


“We do not grieve as those who have no hope…”   (1 Thessalonians 4:13)

“…and the greatest of these is love.”   (1 Corinthians 13:13)



  1. Larry

    Thx Teri. Again. It’s a club I never wanted to be a member of but now that I am I’m glad that our new club has no end and it’s all good! A reversal of all the bad!

  2. Donna

    Dave’s plaque says a lot. I can be grateful for TODAY!
    Thank you Teri. Your example of extending encouraging love is appreciated!

  3. Donna

    Dave’s plaque says a lot. I can be grateful for TODAY!
    Thank you Teri. Your example of extending encouraging love is appreciated!

  4. Marilin

    Thank you for the reminder that God is the one who can fill those holes with His love, and when He does, we can reach out to others in need of comfort. Even today.

  5. Crystal Hamilton

    Hebrews 12:1-2 and 13:5b helps me with those holes.
    Thanks Teri

  6. Linda Dircks

    God never stops loving and repairs our holey heart! May we grow in our ability to recover and love again. Good word, Teri!

  7. Marnie

    Man, having the holes are very painful. God is so amazing how He comforts and helps us heal with time 🙂

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