The Kid In You

As I watched my dad get older, I noticed how much he enjoyed watching little kids.  Wherever we went, he seemed to become engrossed in what they were doing, the things they were witnessing for the first time and how special and new everything is to them.  Everything is fresh and fun and intriguing.  They can’t learn fast enough.  They touch and smell and listen to new sounds.  It’s all an adventure!

When did we lose that?

The easy answer is that we are adults and we have already experienced things so that everything is old hat.  But, is it?  Have we  seen and done everything the world has to offer?  I’m not even advocating anything difficult.  Just some little things.

At times we can take a step back into our childhood and enjoy some of those moments in our memories.  A smell or a song can easily transport us to another time.  We obviously can’t stay there indefinitely, but what’s wrong with re-playing the moment?

The year we were born discloses how old we are, but that’s just chronological, isn’t t?  An elderly (I hate that word!) friend once said, “I’m not old; just my body is old.”  When I turned 70 and my kids asked me how I wanted to celebrate the milestone, I thought they were talking about someone else.  Many of us are fortunate not to feel our age.

Have you ever seen a big, burly football player on the ground, rolling around with his little toddler? He’s having so much fun, he appears like an over-grown kid.  Go for it, I say!

Do you remember lying on your back in the grass and looking up at the sky on that perfect summer day, trying to envision various animal shapes in the clouds or whatever else you might see in them?  I caught myself doing that recently;  it was peaceful and even fun.

Why can’t we indulge the kid in us?  That part is still full of life!  We can be child-LIKE (enjoying new things like the beauty of a flower just opened) without being childISH.  No one wants to be around an “adult” having a tantrum.

Life isn’t all drudgery.  Let the kid out once in awhile.  A new perspective and a little fun never hurt anyone.     🙂


“We are God’s children…”   (Romans  8:16)


  1. Anne

    Amen!! Can’t wait to hear about the next little Tunell! I bet the girls have so much fun with you!

  2. Martha

    Laying in the grass watching the clouds. seeing animal shapes in them. Bought back memories of my mid-west childhood. Thanks.

  3. Pam Bayha

    Love it! Made me smile just remembering some of the things we did as kids. Will see how I can let the child in me “out” today. Thanks for the fun challenge. 😊

  4. Donna

    Yes! I would like the joy of being God’s child to be more evident in my life. Free of life’s worries and heartaches . . . at least for a little while each day. Knowing that you are experiencing many grandchild joys makes me happy today. Praying for God’s best in your family.

  5. Growing old is not for babies!! Looking back and remembering the fun things and looking
    to God and Jesus helps me to be forever grateful that I was granted the gift of walking with
    the Lord. Thank you CBS.

  6. Marilin

    I say, go for it! There’s a difference between doing childish things (building sand castles) and acting childish (knocking them down). I like to jump in puddles, but splashing other people would be childish. Maybe later today I will play Jacks, and then not come in to fix dinner ’til the streetlights come on. I can see you with your grandchildren saying, “Let’s play!” Let’s not say, “Been there, done that.” Let’s say, “What’s next!”

  7. Sandra Nagel

    Oh so true!! We need to take lessons from the KIDS!!!!! I love being childlike! Free and spontaneous! Thanks for the great reminder! Hope you are having a ball, have a tea party!!!!go wild with laughter!!! Hugs 🤗

  8. Todd

    That picture 😆

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