The Fear Factor

In this day and age of mass media, we are constantly bombarded with “Breaking News” and it leans heavily toward the negative.  Just what we need when we are told to wear masks and social distance which inhibits relationships, even with a neighbor.  I think about children in school who can’t read the faces of their teachers for approval or positive feedback.  One of my favorite songs is “Give Your Smile Away” (by the Wilbanks), but how does one do that when no one can even see it?

In his 1933 inaugural address, President Franklin Roosevelt made his famous and oft-quoted statement, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  How very profound!  Fear is something that can spiral out of control.  Some people have fears that take over and rule their very lives.

In looking into this a bit, I found that there are six basic fears:

  1.  poverty
  2.  criticism
  3. ill health
  4. loss of a loved one
  5. old age
  6. death

Apparently, the odds are good that we each fall victim to at least one of these.

I’m sure you’ve probably heard it said that if you spend your time worrying (fearing) something and whatever it is happens, your worry didn’t change anything; and if you fret over it and it doesn’t happen, you have accomplished nothing.  In other words, our worry (or fears) are a waste of precious time.

We’ve heard a great deal in the last few years about “fake news”.  An acrostic for fear shows us that it is





As we begin 2022, let’s place our “fear” in its rightful place.  You see, fear isn’t always “shaking in your boots”; it can also mean reverence and respect. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”  (Proverbs 1:7).  Think about it…


“Oh, let those who fear the Lord say, ‘ His lovingkindness is everlasting.’ ”  (Psalm 118:4)


  1. Cathy

    Thank you again for another great reminder! I am always blessed by reading your blog! What a gift!

  2. Pam Bayha

    One of our former Pastor’s wives, Anne Ortland, used to say that 90% of what we worry about never comes to pass….so it was a waste of time to worry. Might be over simplified, but it has helped me at times when I remember those words. 😊

  3. Larry

    Thx so much for a great reminder as I begin my day! I needed that. Lord if I’m going to be fearful let it be out of reverence for you!

  4. Donna

    Oh so good!! Especially when I can relate to all basic fears you list, and then, you recalibrate my thinking so well. Appreciate you Teri!

  5. Stephanie

    C.O.V.I.D 19 Christ Over Viruses and Infectious Diseases, see Joshua 1:9 I saw this today and thought it went great with this post!

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, a really good word for today. 365 “Fear Nots” in the bible should be a good reminder for every day. I’ve been recently caught up in worry/fear …. I must take heart and kick the habit!

  7. Marilin

    Thanks Teri. It’s good to start the year off by putting “fear” in its right place.

  8. Thanks Teri, We need to remember ,Fear not I’m with you.

  9. Martha

    Thanks Teri, We need to remember, Fear not for I’m with you.

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