The Duck Problem

Maybe you aren’t this way, but I like to know what’s going to happen so I can prepare for what’s next.  I like my “ducks in a row”.  But, as my friend, Linda, pointed out:  “They aren’t even in the same pond!”

We trust God for eternity, but what about tomorrow?  Between Point A and Point B.  Do I take this new job?  Should we buy a house now or wait?  Do we move closer to family?  Or, do we stay where we are, where there’s familiarity and convenience?  What illness will befall me/us?  What, then?  And, on and on the questions flow.

On a recent visit with family, my three-year old granddaughter, Emmerson, was prompted to perform for us.  At times she enjoys playing her small guitar but she always loves singing.  She had learned a new song, courtesy of her other grandmother as they had watched one of the talent shows on television.  It may seem like an unlikely choice for one so young, yet she knew every word and belted it out with gusto.  The song?  “Que Sera, Sera”.  If you’re too young to remember it, I encourage you to look up the lyrics.  Out of the mouths of babes – as the saying goes – came the reminder:

“The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera

What will be, will be.”

Ah, yes…

Are your ducks all over the place like mine?  Not to worry.  The God who made the universe ex nihilio (out of nothing) can handle it.  We don’t know what tomorrow may bring, but we know the One who will bring us through tomorrow.   So, let’s relax and appreciate each new day.  “What will be, will be…”


“For I know the plans I have for you…”  (Jeremiah 29:11)

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  (Joshua 1:9)




  1. Cathy

    What a cutie! And….what a needed reminder! I had just looked up the lyrics yesterday to the hymn (song) “I know Who holds tomorrow….!” Yes, Lord, I hear You!!!
    Thank you Teri!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Larry

    Thx again for that Teri. Thankfully His plans for us are all good and He’s right beside us! I needed the reminder!

  3. Linda Lee Dircks

    Wonderful promises of God! Thanks for today’s chuckle

  4. Marilin

    Trusting the Lord for tomorrow takes the worry out of today. Thanks for the reminder!

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