The Dreaded “C” Word

We all know what that means, don’t we?  The one word we never want to hear that some of you have already heard:  cancer.  Some of you are in the midst of the battle; others have come through and been deemed “cancer free”.    It’s a dreaded and frightening diagnosis and even those who have not been through it have witnessed loved ones who have battled it fiercely.

Cancer is often hard to detect; it can spread with a vengeance.  And, sadly we are all victims of it in our own society today but in another form.  With the red carpet virtually rolled out at our borders, the tsunami of immigrants continues unabated.  Granted, there are some who truly come to escape the dangers of their homeland, to work, to make a better life for themselves and their families.  But, we’ve already seen many of the criminal element with histories of rape, assault and even murder.

Last month we were reminded of the terror attack on our soil on 9/11 of 2001.  It caught us completely by surprise.  Those involved had been living in our country and had even trained here.

Israel has just endured a surprise attack.  Some of their citizens have been taken hostage, including women and children.  Others have been killed.  Scores are wounded.  War has been declared and as is always the case, one side will eventually declare itself the victor.  But, truth be told, there is no winner in war because some innocent people die and some of those are helpless children.

Our memories are short.  We ASSUME nothing like that will happen to us again and that 9/11 surely will not be repeated.  Yet, the numbers are being reported as to how many terrorists (on the FBI watchlist) have been apprehended at the border by our beleaguered and over-worked border patrol agents:  100 in 2022 followed by (according to varied accounts)  165-200 thus far in 2023 (per NBC News).  A big thank you to those agents for all they do.

But, how many have not been discovered?  The border remains “open” – without calling it that.  People from over 30 countries are flooding in daily.

We are left to wonder, who has already infiltrated our political and educational systems as well as our religion?

I recognize that this is not exactly an uplifting message, but isn’t it time for a reality check? While we are entertaining ourselves (remember Rome???) and looking for the nearest charging station for our electric vehicles, there is a hidden cancer invading us and creating a danger both for our generation and those who come behind us.

Only God knows who some of these people are and where they are.  So, PRAY.  Pray for our country and for the world.  Our hope is in Him.   Amen.


“For certain persons have crept in unnoticed…”  (Jude 4a)

“Pray without ceasing…”  (1 Thessalonians 5:17b)


  1. Cathy

    Amen! Thank you Teri….prayer is crucial. May we all heed the warning.❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Linda

    I appreciate the word you brought this day. May each reader receive it and press further into prayer to hear the heart of the Father and pray.

  3. Pam Bayha

    We live in a sobering time. May God hear the prayers of His people as we pray for this country, Israel, our children and our grandchildren. I will be praying for a revival like this country has never experienced before. Thank you for the reminder, Teri!❤

  4. Donna

    The cancer analogy is so good! You are so right Teri! We need God’s help every minute of every day, and fear Him honorably.

  5. Sandra

    Trust in the LORD with all your heart; then rely not on ‘our’ own understanding. Pr 3:5 +/-
    How blessed we are to know that He’s well aware, and ultimately in charge.

  6. Linda Dircks

    We seem to be in an impenetrable darkness with a continuous threat to our safety and values. May God send His Divine light to shatter that darkness…especially to our leaders who have allowed us to be in this position! Thanks again T.

  7. Marilin

    The cancer that has overtaken our country can only be cured by God.

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