The Dilemma

Do you remember the last time you were confronted with a really hard choice?  Was it several years back, was it last week or just this morning?  I’m not talking about what to wear to work or what to make for dinner.  I’m talking about the more serious kind (maybe even life or death issues) where other people you care about are involved.  The kind where you again face the reality of only being able to be in one place at a time.

There are several questions to be asked, I’m realizing.  But, the most significant ones seem to be:

  1.  What’s more important:  the overall health and well-being of someone or the perception and feelings of another?
  2.  Do you do what seems best at the time or what will be best both now and in the future?
  3.  Do others’ opinions sway your decision?
  4.  Do you follow selfish desires or follow where you know God is leading?
  5.  Do you struggle with the circumstance, or can you be grateful God wants to use you?

Not all decisions you make will get a stamp of approval by everyone.  Some will disagree and may even be offended.  Can you handle that, or will knowing that affect which way you choose?  Because – make no mistake – God will lead you but He won’t force.  You still choose.  Ask Him for wisdom to make the right choice, strength to endure any consequences and the peace to know He walks with you through it all.


“…and your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘this is the way; walk in it.’ ”  (Isaiah 30:21)


  1. Pam Bayha

    Thank you! Good questions to think about. ❤

  2. Larry

    What a subject! Choices, choices! Help me Lord to choose your best! Thx Teri!

  3. Linda Dircks

    It’s good to know He always has our best for us. May we listen carefully to the still, small voice! Thanks for the challenging thoughts!

  4. Sandi Nagel

    Wow. Making me think and trusting God to guide!!!!! You are so good at questions and answers!!! Thank you for sharing your heart ❤️ dear one!!!!


    Loved this post! It is extremely thought provoking.

    Thank you for sharing.


    Loved this post! Thank you for sharing.

  7. Martha

    Your ears will hear the way. Isaiah, The Lord has shown you what is good. Micah, Be imitators of God. Ephesians. We still choose. Praying for wisdom and courage to make the right choice.

  8. Donna

    Timely! Great questions to consider. Thank you Teri❤️

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