The Catalyst

My friend, Norma, sends me an email every Sunday night.  She’s been doing this for years.  She tells me about her week and usually about some subject or theological issue she’s been pondering.  It causes me to ruminate on the same issue and prompts a response – often over something I have never thought of before or at least haven’t done so in a long time.

People in your life are catalysts.  They generate a reaction.  Like/dislike.  Boredom/intrigue.  Frustration/peace.  Back in the 60s, there was a poster which read, “Not to decide is to decide.”  So, even lukewarm about someone is a reaction of sorts.

As simplistic as it may sound, people need people.  God made us that way, and then He gave us each other.  Norma makes me better because she makes me think.  Which made me wonder: how does knowing ME affect others?  What affect do YOU have on those you meet?


  1. Marilin Hyder

    Good question! Something I need to think about.

  2. Henry Munzinger

    I pray every day that O Lord shine through me always, that others may always SEE YOUR GLORY. How I go through life being with people, through my words and actions, I love people to see God through me. May my faith always shine through!!!!

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