The Blender

One of my sons is what most of us call a “health nut”.  He is very selective about what he ingests and even has an app that keeps track of his daily grams and calories.  On the kitchen counter he uses a small scale that weighs everything.  It’s an interesting process…

After a workout, he makes himself a shake of some sort.  Various asundry things go into this concoction and I marvel as I observe it in real time.  Who would think to add kale to chocolate whey protein powder?  He always warns me before he starts the blender since it is extremely loud.  Actually, that doesn’t do it justice: when it first kicks on, the frozen berries and nuts sound like glass or limbs breaking.  When it’s time to pour this fresh-cut grass looking liquid into a mug, he often offers me some.  I usually decline.   🙂

The unsuspecting, unrelated ingredients get tossed together into something deemed “good for you”.

Isn’t that like life?

We all have families and friends so we all hear prayer requests or issues of various types that people go through.  “Into each life a little rain must fall…” the saying goes, but at times we wonder, “Does it have to be a deluge?” and “How much can one person take?”

How do people do it without faith?  Without hope?

Isn’t life like being in a blender?  Sometimes it feels like somebody turned it on High.

Years ago there was a TV show called “Bewitched” and Samantha could twitch her nose and supposedly fix everything.  When someone I care about is in the blender, I would so love to be able to flip the switch, stop the crushing blows, and provide relief.

But, alas, I cannot…And, so I (we) pray and we try to encourage one another and we trust that God will see us through.


“For we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed.”   (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

“But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.”  (Romans 8:37)



  1. Linda

    Thank you, Teri. And, praise the Lord for friends who pray!

  2. Linda Christian

    I love how you take an everyday event and connect it to our walk with God.

  3. Larry

    Thx again Teri for the great picture of life. And despite all the stuff He helps us to get thru.

  4. Sandi Nagel

    Such a great analogy and reminder that our faith and trust is in God alone!!! He mixes us and our friends in the blender of life!!!! Prayer is our strength!!! Thanks for your great words dear friend!!! 👏👍❤️🙏🙏

  5. Martha

    Thank God he has his finger on the blender

  6. Sharon Elliott

    Yes prayer is very important. The blender is like life-good example

  7. Marnie

    Health food or some yummy ice cream, God has our back 🙂

  8. Linda Dircks

    I’m in a season where I feel like I’m in the blender. A number of issues that I can do NOTHING about ….But, God!

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