The Art Of Graciously Receiving

Have you ever witnessed two people ordering food somewhere and then getting into an argument over who is going to pay?  You may have even been involved in such an incident.  It’s very uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing, but it involves two very stubborn individuals who are bent on winning the prize of doing something for someone.

You may have seen the Scripture that quotes Jesus as saying, “It is better to give than to receive”  (Acts 20:35) so we are programmed to want to do this at every turn.  Heaven forbid we should be on the receiving end.  Then, we feel obligated to “keep score”, though we’d never put it that way.

A couple of months ago I met a friend for breakfast and, as we entered the restaurant, I asked if she would do me a favor.  She agreed immediately without knowing what it was.  It was at that moment that I told her I wanted to buy breakfast for her birthday.  She graciously agreed.  It was such a pleasure!  There was no argument, no discussion, no miserable scene that occurred.  It was smooth as silk, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  I couldn’t help but follow up with an email expressing my gratitude to her for what she had done.  The plain truth is that, in order to give, there generally has to be someone who will receive.  It definitely IS a blessing to give.  But, that blessing is actually denied the giver if the recipient refuses them the opportunity.

Let’s take a lesson from my dear friend.  At times we GIVE by being willing to RECEIVE.  Think about that.


“…and be kind to one another…”   (Ephesians 4:32)


  1. Cathy

    So true! Thank you Teri for the reminder!❤️

  2. Larry

    Thanks for giving to us this truth and this reminder!

  3. Sandi Nagel

    That was a little close for comfort!!! I am so trying to learn to receive!! You are a blessing and I appreciate the reminder!!!! Thanks for the cookies!!!!! Haha.

  4. Donna

    “Smooth as silk” – appreciate your example of giving and helping the recipient “receive”.
    Bless you!!!

  5. Anna May

    On my recent trip to Israel there was a woman who found some of the hills and hiking to be quite challenging. She was extremely stubborn about doing it herself and constantly refused help from anyone. Finally, I stopped her and told her she was robbing others of their blessings. I reminded her of exactly what you just said, “You cannot give if no one will receive”. She heard me, she understood and although she struggled with it, she did allow others to help her when needed. Thanks, Teri, for the reminder.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    And…refusing to receive cheats the other of the blessing from the Father! Goodness … we don’t want to do that!

  7. Marilin

    My cousin, who speaks her mind, was listening to me and my mother “argue” over who was going to pay for our hotel room, when she took my arm and told me to just say thank you and enjoy it. My mom was so thrilled to treat me. I almost took that away from her. It has to do with being gracious.

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