Telling God What To Do

Doesn’t the very thought of this sound ludicrous?  Makes me think of someone asking, “Who died and made YOU God?”  But, let’s take a moment and examine our prayers, shall we?

The Bible tells us to “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), which is like having an open line of communication with the Father.  But, how often do we sit down and begin to “catch God up” on what’s going on in our sphere, in the things that are near and dear to our hearts?  We review the laundry list of issues as if He’s been on vacation and is unaware of what’s been going on.

Our next step is to begin to tell Him how to take care of everything for us.  “Lord, please do this” and “Lord, please do that.”, as if we’ve switched places with Him and suddenly know what’s best for everyone.  I know this all too well because I am guilty of it myself.

Hebrews 4:16 says to “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace in time of need.”  Let’s not confuse “boldly” with “bossy”.  Romans 8:26 tells us the “we do not know what we ought to pray but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us…” and Jesus taught us to pray “Your will be done” (Matthew 6:10).

Most of what we pray for probably relates to family or friends – issues closest to us.  In November of 2012, as I dealt with many things with and for my aged mom, the Lord gave me this word:  “I cannot be all things to the people I love.  God has promised to give me strength to be a servant one day at a time.  And, He has reserved the role of Savior for Himself.”

Can anyone else relate to that?    We think it’s up to us, so that, even when we do come to ask God for His help, we wind up telling Him what to do!  In his book Experiencing God, author Henry Blackaby said this:  “Lord, if my request is second best, please cancel my request.”

Perhaps we would all do well to consider who knows best.


“Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”  (Jeremiah 33:3)

“And, my God shall supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:17)


  1. Cathy

    Another Amen! Thank you Teri for the reminder!❤️🤗🙌🙏🏻

  2. Pam Bayha

    So very good, again, Teri! I had to laugh because it sounded so like me trying to tell God how to run everything from my family and loved ones to this country. A very humbling reminder of Who is in charge and Who really knows what is best for everyone. Thank you ! ❤

  3. Larry

    I love the Blackaby prayer. I can relate. I’m glad that while I really do not know how prayer works He understands and knows and I’m hoping He doesn’t mind my pathetic weakness in this area!

  4. Linda Christian

    I loved this posting Teri. Thank you for sharing your heart and insights.

  5. Linda Dircks

    Mmm: Servant or Savior! I better get my title correct! Thanks, Teri

  6. Sandra

    Why are we tempted to settle for second best?!
    (Jer 33:3 reminds me of our sweet friend Faith.)

  7. Linda

    Thanks for the reminder, Teri. How often do I recite my needs and the needs of others like God doesn’t know them already and, then, fail to sit and remain in the quietness to wait on Him.

  8. Anne

    That reminder actually relieves stress I’ve felt. I want to make it “all” better or “fix” everything….but I can’t and shouldn’t try or don’t need to. He is in control and knows what we need. Thank you. Love you Aunt Teri!

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