Stoking the Fire

The original house we had in Montana was built in 1925 and had the most beautiful fireplace.  It was crafted with large rocks gathered from the beach and the hearth was on the floor with the interior being big enough that, as a small child, I could actually have stood inside it, were it not for the grate that held the wood.  My dad would often build a fire with the kindling he had chopped, then adding some larger pieces of local wood.  It was almost mesmerizing to watch as a kid.  It gave off heat, light and a wonderful smell.  And, you could hear it from all over the house as the wood snapped and popped.  It was like a peaceful, snowy day, but also vibrant as it filled the house with sounds and smells that I can still recall these many decades later.  I learned early on that if you wanted to keep the fire going, you had to continue to add wood to fuel it.  As the fire went out, the popping would stop, the smell would diminish, and the light would die out.

Is this true of us – the church – today?  Where is our spark?  Where is the light that we are to reflect as we walk in His light?  Have we hidden it, or actually let it go out?

The recent “revival” – as some are calling it – at Ashbury College and others has been encouraging and exciting.  And, especially within our young people!  But, in the wake of 9/11, people clamored to God and proclaimed their need for Him.  What happened to that?  When it comes to faith and belief in God, many of us may seem like those in the sports  world who are referred to as “fair-weather fans”.

The embers in our fire will fizzle when we let them.  So, keep stoking the fire in your hearts.  Others will be drawn to its warmth, its light and its fragrance.


“Do not put out the Spirit’s fire.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:19)


  1. Pam Bayha

    Such a great reminder. Thanks Teri!❤

  2. Larry,

    Thx for that reminder and encouragement!

  3. Linda Reidenbaugh

    6Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1: 6,7.

  4. Marnie

    Nice! So comforting knowing that we always have a fire within us with God’s love!!( coziness and comfort)

  5. Donna

    Snap, crackle, pop!
    Such a great analogy.

  6. Linda Dircks

    We absolutely MUST rekindle our passion through the WORD everyday! We too easily grow dim, cold and scentless. He stood for us – we must STAND for Him! Be bold, be strong and know He is with us and in us to make a difference in this world! THANKS, Teri

  7. Marilin

    Reminds me that I have to ask the Holy Spirit to “fill” me every day.

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