Still Breathing

My mom used to repeat the  adage, “Old age ain’t for sissies!”  At the time I’d laugh and think it was just another in the long line of her wisecracks.

Now she’s gone and I’ve “moved up” into her spot.  Suddenly her comment has gone from crazy to profound.

As I sit in my chair and rub my forehead after a day of being too busy doing nothing to get anything done, I wonder why I’m here.  Do I still have a purpose, or am I just using someone else’s air?  Then, I am reminded:  every breath I TAKE has been GIVEN to me by God.  If He continues to give them, there must be a reason.

If He’s GIVING, that makes it a GIFT.  What do we do with gifts?  Lay them aside?  Ignore them?  Complain we didn’t get something else?  (Good grief! Where are our manners?)  No, we open our hands to receive the gift gratefully and then we honor the giver by making use of it.

Charles Swindoll once said, “As long as we have life and breath, we have purpose.”

Guess it’s time to use that breath I take,  in whatever way I can,  to bring Him honor and glory.  Then, as long as I’m still breathing, His gift won’t be wasted.

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”     (2 Corinthians 9:15)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Thank you! What a perfect reminder in these times we can be fearful of what we’re breathing!

  2. Henry Munzinger

    It never amazes me what the Lord has in store for me. I may think it will be great to have a ‘breather’ today but then the Lord has his plans for me, I’m helping someone or whatever. It’s always great walking with Jesus!!!!

  3. Marilin

    When I think that God, the one and only true God, breathed into the nostrils of man and gave him life, how much more precious is that life. There is no other gift like it. It lives.

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