Speak Up!

Is prayer a struggle for you?  Is it something that feels uncomfortable or that you put off or don’t even think about?  Maybe you’ve heard someone pray one of those flowery prayers with all the proper Christian jargon and thought how amazing it sounded – or, how intimidating!  When I first began attending a Bible Study, I was a “newbie” among the mature.  At the end of class, they would close in prayer, but not with just the leader praying.  Oh, no!  That would be too easy (for the newbie).  Instead, they would go around the circle so that everyone could offer a prayer.  I was so uncomfortable that my contribution was my stomach growling (it was almost lunchtime)!

Prayer is defined as “a solemn request for help or an expression of thanks to God.”  That’s the official version, but basically, it’s a conversation with God.  It’s like talking to a friend (which He is) or to a parent (which He also is).  Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto Me…”  (Luke 18:16).  He didn’t say, “Hey, wait, young man.  You haven’t learned the language (Christian-eze) yet!”

God cares more THAT you pray than HOW you pray.  He wants you to communicate with Him.  He’s not a celestial Santa Claus, waiting to hear your wish list all the time.  But, He wants you to talk freely with Him about what’s on your mind and in your heart.

So, don’t hang up on God.  Keep those lines of communication open.

“Pray continually…”   (1 Thess. 5:17)


  1. Crystal Hamilton

    Such a great reminder. Thanks Teri

    • Linda Lee Dircks

      Speak up!! What an affirming encouragement. He is completely available and interested. May I avoid ignoring that fundamental truth! Thank you for meddling in my life!

  2. Donna

    The picture is adorably precious and your invitation to just talk with God so graciously inviting. I’m encouraged to converse with our friend and Father, just as I am.
    Thank you!! Your transparency about the first experiences appreciated too; I can relate!!

  3. Henry Munzinger

    God is always here, we just have to let him in. People will pray to God for when they need him, then when they don’t him anymore, it’s like catch you later Lord. God is our Father, he loves to ‘be’ in our lives always, not just when he is needed. I love living 24/7 365 in Christ, talking, praying, giving thanks, praising God always.

  4. Todd

    Great reminder indeed. Something that is easily forgotten or placed on the back burner. Something I need to implement into the normal routine to get into the habit. Thanks!

  5. Marilin Hyder

    I am often intimidated by people who speak and pray in Christian-eze, even to this day. But thank you for reminding me of Matthew 6:7-8 and to remember that all the flowery words at our command are not equivalent to one holy desire. Let your heart pray.

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