Sorry! I’m Just Too Busy!

Haven’t you heard this often from someone?  Maybe you said it at some point yourself.  The truth of the matter is that we all have 24 hours in a day.  Even for those who work, we deduct 8 hours, then 8 hours to sleep, which even I can deduce leaves us all with 8 hours to fill.  Granted, for some there is drive time; there are meals to fix and chores to do and children to taxi here and there.

But, if you notice, we all seem to make time for what we really want to do.  Cell phones are like a magnet, however.  They seem to attach themselves to us like a parasite.  The attraction is apparently too much for us to resist.  People even seem to be “too busy” to interact with each other over a meal as you see families out for dinner, yet heads are bowed as they stare at their phones.  Communication has expanded and become so easy, yet in some regard, it has gotten worse.

Our world is very different from when I was young.  In those days we did have TV, but the phone was on the wall (not in your pocket) and if we wanted to know something, we sought it out in the encyclopedia.  We’ve had sports for years to entertain us, but we didn’t seem to be that busy.  Prior to my day people worked all day just to provide for themselves.  A woman would spend the day washing clothes by hand and cooking over a wood stove, besides tending the animals and the garden, while her husband worked the farm.  I could understand if someone back in the day said she was “just too busy”.  But, today with all of our equipment and tools to make life easier (ordering everything online to avoid leaving home, for example) how can we be too busy?  Just as everyone makes choices with how to spend money, we all make choices in how we spend our time.  And, many of us spend more of it in the activity of our choice than we realize.  Too busy?  Not always.  Not interested is more accurate.  Let’s be honest.  What that really says is that whatever it is, it’s not a priority.

We should think about that next time someone needs our help or our time.  Are we really too busy???


“Everyman’s way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.”  (Proverbs 21:5)



  1. Sharon D Elliott

    how true. We need to spend more time talking with people. Pretty soon young people will not know how to talk to each other. We must learn to put the cell phones up….

  2. Marilin

    I am grateful God is never too busy for us.

  3. Marnie

    I wish the younger genaration realized how important time is!! ( family/friend time-in person) We can’t buy time, so treasure every moment with those you love.

  4. Linda Dircks

    Time is our most precious commodity and we squander it! Why am I so tired I must go to bed early? You have given an alert to rethink our daily routine!

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