So, What’s This Thing Called Love?

As Valentine’s Day approaches, there is thought about love, loved ones, sharing those thoughts and feelings with one another.  But, where did it all start?

There are several versions of possibilities.  During the reign of Claudius (3rd century Rome) his rule stated that soldiers were to remain single men so that their focus would not be divided.  However, Valentine (a bishop) secretly performed weddings for these men which was eventually discovered and for which he was executed.

Another version claims St. Valentine of Terni (different man, same time frame) apparently aided some Christians in escaping Roman prisons and was therefore arrested and executed.  Legend has it that while in jail he fell in love (with the jailer’s daughter) to whom he sent a letter proclaiming his love and signed it “From your Valentine”.

Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as Valentine’s Day in the 5th century (ending the festival of Lupercalia, a pagan Roman festival); however, the day was not associated with love until sometime in the 17th century.  Gifts were given and notes exchanged by the 18th century, followed by pre-made cards in the 1840s.  Though Christmas ranks at the top of cards sent in any given year, Valentine’s Day comes in at second.

Cupid came through Greek mythology as the god of love, Eros.  That eventually evolved into the chubby cherub we see on cards today.

So, how did love first become associated with the heart?  It began in art.  In his book The Curious History of the Heart, Vincent M. Figueredo describes the first known illustration of its kind which “appeared during the Middle Ages around 1255 in Roman de la poire (Romance of the Pear)… a scene shows a lover kneeling before a damsel offering her his heart.”  (p. 109).

That has all spawned many years of purchasing chocolates, cards, and flowers and is certainly a way to remind someone of your feelings for him/her.  But, what IS this thing we call “love”?

There is no better source than the Bible to answer that question.

“Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant,

does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,

does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails.”                        (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)

Good news!  That perfect love is available to all of us because…


“God is love.”   (1 John 4:8)


  1. LINDA L

    A detailed history lesson today! Thank you for time spent! May we continue to keep Hallmark successful. Now the pressure to get a card for my loved one before it’s too late!

  2. Pam Bayha

    Yes, thank you for taking the time to research and share these interesting tales about Valentine’s Day origin. Would love to share with my Grands …if you don’t mind. Have a special and blessed ❤ Day!

  3. Donna

    Grateful for God’s love toward us!!!
    Happy Valentines Day💗

  4. Linda R

    Very interesting! I am also grateful for God’s love. Have a beautiful 14th!

  5. Todd T

    Learn something new everyday. And a Dr Fig shout out! He’ll be happy.

  6. Sandi Nagel

    Amazing history!! Thanks for all the insight. Love ❤️ you my friend!!! Let Love 💕 be ours today!!!

  7. Marnie


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