So, What Did You Expect?

Isn’t this a trap we fall into on occasion?  Expecting something.  Great Expectations!  We have pre-conceived ideas how someone should behave, how they should treat us – especially family.  But, even friends, too.  Many years ago I experienced something quite devastating at the time and I was amazed at the people I had never expected to hear anything from who contacted me and those I was sure would rally around and who were nowhere to be found.  It was very enlightening – and also, pretty disappointing.  People will surprise you…

On the other hand, how often have we let someone down?  Someone may have been convinced you or I would be there for them, but we failed.  What do others expect from us?

Have you ever tried to select the “perfect” gift for a loved one at Christmas?  Your heart is in the right place and you spend many hours in contemplation, but you know when the gift is given, it doesn’t match up to what the recipient might pick out for themselves.  It’s hard to know that about everyone.  In the same sense, how can we meet everyone’s expectations of us?  And, how can we expect that of another?

This is a pit we can easily fall into.  It’s probably best not to decide how things might go and instead to be grateful for whatever happens.  It will keep us from falling into that trap of disappointment.  Besides, we can only be ourselves and let others do the same.  What else can we expect?


“If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with one another.”  (Romans 12:18)


  1. Cathy

    Thank you Teri! I needed to hear that! It’s so easy to fall into that trap….
    What a gift you have!!!
    Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. Larry

    Thx again Teri. Just getting to read it now as my day started out busy but now settled so I can think and appreciate the things you bring up that are so relatable and thought provoking. Thx again.

  3. Sandi Nagel

    So very true!!!! Expectations can turn into pain and disappointment!! We must be careful with our emotions in expectation!!! What will be will be !!!!! God’s will be done!

  4. Linda Dircks

    We certainly set ourselves up for disappointment when we expect too much. It gives me pause thinking about how easily I might let someone down in thoughtless or lack of response. Pretty convicting! Or, how often do I hold others to an impossible standard?

  5. sandra

    And again I say ‘Amen to that’, Linda.

  6. Marnie

    God happens 🙂

  7. Marilin

    When I was young and stupid, I was influenced by some of Ayn Rand’s philosophies, like “Freedom – to ask nothing, to expect nothing, to depend on nothing.” Then I met God and became free.

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