Role Reversal

My five-year old granddaughter has two siblings.  Her sister is just two years younger than she and the two are very close.  They play together all the time.  But, alas, school started and Elli went off to her new adventure, leaving Emmi home with a brother who just learned to walk.  One morning this picture came to me by text from my daughter-in-law with the caption, “Elli telling Emmi how much she would miss her while she was at school today.”  (Ok, so I’m the grama and I melted…).

As I pondered this, I began to see it as an example of compassion.  Her little sister would be at home all day while she would be busy making new friends.  How many of us are so thoughtful?  I felt as though my granddaughter was teaching me a lesson.  How many people in my life need my touch, my thoughtfulness, my hug or kindness today?  Who do I know who can’t get out anywhere or maybe has a health issue and doesn’t have the freedom that I do to travel and visit family?  Is there someone who needs to know they matter and are missed?

Our expectation (rightly so) is that the adults are to teach the children.  Yet, at times it’s the children who show us the way, if we will but observe and learn.  The first day of school, when Elli introduced herself to the boy sitting next to her, his first words were, “Do you wanna be friends?”  How refreshing!

My grama used to say, “We go to school every day.”  Indeed.  There is always something to be learned.  And, sometimes – if we pay attention – those lessons may come from the wee ones in our midst.


“…and a little child will lead them…”   (Isaiah 11:6)


  1. Cathy

    Thank you Teri for another great reminder! So precious!❤️❤️

  2. Larry

    Thx Teri for a cute reminder. What a picture!

  3. Linda M Christian

    Awesome reminder of our need to recognize opportunities to serve and comfort those who have needs. Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture of love.

  4. Sandra

    As I viewed that sweet picture, I wondered how many times we touch others without realizing it…

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    A wonderful pic… a framer! Also a wonderful reminder – reach out and touch someone today!

  6. Marilin

    The heart of a child is something to strive for, not grow out of.

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