Recognition, Yes; Responsibility, No!

It’s a common thought that babies need touch and to be held.  What isn’t often recognized is that most adults do, too.  Older folks who live alone can crave a hug or touch from a friend.  What isn’t spoken of much is the fact that humans also want recognition.  People want others to recognize their talents, their abilities and achievements.  Retirement can be a real shock because there is no place to be affirmed anymore.  Who would ever guess easy-going grama or grampa misses having his/her ego stroked?  The need for affirmation never leaves us.

What is equally fascinating is that fewer and fewer people are willing to actually take responsibility.  The word “entitled” has taken on an even more and greater meaning as we watch society “on the take”, with the attitude that they are somehow “owed”.  Whatever happened to taking responsibility for oneself and one’s actions?  The plain truth is that there can’t actually be recognition for achievement without responsibility.

The society around us has grown increasingly bizarre, but many are standing up and taking responsibility in an effort to bring some sanity back – and especially to protect future generations.  We owe our children and our country that much.  Parents, teach your children the value of work and being responsible.  Grandparents, model proper behavior.  Show them the importance of good character, and reaffirm any efforts you see in them.

May we acknowledge the value of others around us and remember the need for hugs and affirmation and encouragement, all while not shirking our own responsibilities.


“And, whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men…”   (Colossians 3:17, 23)


  1. Linda

    Your devotional is personally very timely and an answer to prayer. Thank you.

  2. Larry

    Thank you Teri for this wise counsel! Well said and needed!

  3. Sandi Nagel

    Fabulous! Well said! Perfect timing as we our on way to airport to pick up our granddaughter and be able to invest in her!!! Thank you!!

  4. Donna

    A valuable post for sure!! Thanks Teri, for expressing your thoughts so well.

  5. Marnie

    Very nice! Amen 🙂

  6. Marilin

    A special reminder for me as I spend next week with Kairie. Thank you.

  7. Linda Dircks

    Interesting, I was just praying and thought about the script that reminds us good works are credited only when done in Jesus’ Name. may we be the representatives He expects. thank you, ma’am!

  8. Linda Dircks

    Interesting, I was just praying and thought about the script that reminds us good works are credited only when done in Jesus’ Name. may we be the representatives He expects. thank you, ma’am!

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