Rain in the Desert

Rain in the Desert

Rain in the desert.   Doesn’t that sound like an oxymoron?  Having lived in the desert for over 40 years, I can attest to the fact that we do get rain, though not like in other parts of the country.  The problem is that the ground is as hard as a rock so there isn’t much in the way of drainage.  Thus, people here panic and the television stations have what they call “Team Coverage” where multiple reporters are stationed in various locations to warn us about this torrential downpour where there is barely a puddle.  But, after all, much of the news is about making a story out of nothing.  As my husband – a former media person himself – says, “Cramming 20 minutes of news into 24 hours!”
Nonetheless, how does one spend a rainy day?  Perhaps I should ask that of someone in Seattle.  Instead, I have chosen to start a blog.  Seems like as good a time as any.  There is so much craziness in the world, maybe a time out to contemplate something different is in order.  I hope you’ll join me.
After all, we may see only the clouds, but the sun (Son) is still there – shining brightly with the promise of a new day.


  1. Crystal Hamilton

    You Go Girl!!!! I am so excited for this next venture in and with Him!!!
    Congratulations on taking this big step of faith.

  2. Sandra

    Sounds like you! Congratulations are due for stepping out in faith. God’s in charge, as always.

  3. Todd

    Way to go! 🙌🏻

  4. Linda Christian

    God will use you in a powerful way with your blog.

  5. Carol MacCleary

    So happy that the blog has become a reality. Bless you.

  6. Henry Munzinger

    I am so pleased that you took the big leap forward with this new blog. It’s been a joy to be able to share our Christian faith. Even during this trying time, the SON is always here with us, we need to always keep our focus on the SON in the best and worst of times and in between. God bless you as you go forward and be an inspiration unto others.

  7. Donna

    Aren’t we so grateful the SON is our security?!!

    Congrats on the blog! Your insights always appreciated Teri.

    Keep on!!

  8. Marilin Hyder

    I’m so proud of you!! This is what we have been waiting for. May God richly bless you.

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