Power Up!

Do you know Jesus?  Because if you do, you have tremendous power that lives in you.  Have you ever thought of what that means?

What has this power accomplished?  Well, for starters, the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  (Genesis 1:1).  In the beginning…when there was NOTHING.  Which means all that we see on this earth and in the skies, He made by His power.

Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter and Lazarus from the dead (Mark 5; John 11).  By His power.  Jesus also healed those who could not see, could not hear, could not walk.  By his power.

Jesus Himself was dead and buried, but He was raised.  By God’s power.

Jesus told His disciples in John that He would send His Holy Spirit who will “abide WITH you and be IN you.”  (John 14:17).  Think of it:  this same power is IN you  24/7 !  It provides this amazing power which we so often fail to tap.  This power is meant for good.  It can walk us through grief, enable us to endure whatever trial we might face, equip us daily to overcome selfishness, anger, depression and/or sin.

Have we forgotten He (the Holy Spirit)  is even there?  Inside His children?  Providing comfort, direction, wisdom and the strength of His might.

Think of all the things in your house that operate on electricity.  Aren’t they plugged in?

Maybe it’s time for us to re-check our connection and tap into that amazing Spirit of God within.  If  David could  beat Goliath, imagine what you can do!


“…that I may know Him and the POWER of His resurrection…”   (Philippians 3:10)



  1. Cathy

    Thank you once again Teri for giving us a great reminder of the Truth! How easy it is to forget the gift we’ve been given!❤️

  2. Donna

    Resurrection Power!! Yes, I need it. Thank You Jesus for not leaving us defenseless. My eyes are on You! My hope is in You! How blessed by Your Spirit, am I.

  3. Larry

    I’m reading this much later than normal as life has recently been crazy but I read it now and thank you Teri for that great reminder and encouragement.

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    We would be exceptionally disabled apart from His Power! Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Marilin

    I needed this message today as only the power of God can keep me on an even keel right now. Thank you for the reminder to keep myself plugged in.

  6. Linda Lee Dircks

    Absolutely true! We were in an impossible jam recently and Jim prayed, reminding God of promises and asking for an impartation of the Holy Spirit for wisdom to solve mysteries. Instantly an crazy idea was birthed in his mind and he applied it and IT WORKED!!!! He is faithful.

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