Plant Seeds!

Many years ago there was a toothpaste commercial on television which spoke of the “invisible protective shield” its product offered.  It even showed a clear wall on which the narrator knocked  in order to prove his point.

Have we provided that invisible, protective shield for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren?  It’s a matter of planting seeds.  Seeds of the Word of God.  If kids can remember the Baby Shark jingle and older kids can recite a football player’s stats, surely they can also learn what God tells us in Scripture.

My grandmother was the only one in my life who planted seeds.  She also did a fair amount of watering!  But, it’s God who brings the growth.  One day while driving down the road with my mom in the seat next to me, she (who had grown up in the church, but had chosen to ignore it), inquired out of the blue, “What’s John 3:16?”  As I began to recite the verse, I had barely started when she suddenly joined in, completing it word for word.  I was stunned and thrilled!  What had been planted several decades before was still there!

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that “God’s Word is living and active…”  It doesn’t die out.  It doesn’t change or falter.  Our children are exposed to many things today – things I certainly never dreamed of in my day.  Our children are pliable as they grow.  They can be pushed or pulled in various directions.  Thus, they need the invisible, protective shield of the Word of God in their hearts and minds.

So, start planting!


“I planted, Apollos watered, but it was God who caused the growth.”   (1 Corinthians 3:6)


  1. Mary Whitson

    So convicting that I need to speak up lovingly and courageously to the little ones (and not so little ones) in my life that do not hear about Light and Life from home and let Him do the rest. Thank you Teri

  2. Pam Bayha

    Such a good reminder not to get discouraged. Just love on them and plant the seeds… and rest in knowing God is the one who will bring the fruit. I needed that remember today. Thank you, Teri!❤

  3. Linda Christian

    Beautiful and powerful reminder about our role in planting.

  4. Linda Lee Dircks

    Oh, Wise ONE! Thanks for the reminder …

  5. Marilin

    I pray I can plant a garden in the heart of Kairie that will be nurtured and will bloom so she may bear good fruit growing up to love the Lord with all her heart. It’s in God’s hands.

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