
Perspective.  It’s interesting, isn’t it?  There seem to be as many perspectives as there are humans.  We each have ours and, of course, we each think ours is the correct one!  How is the word defined?  “… a particular attitude or way of regarding something; a point of view.”  Some synonyms:  “outlook, viewpoint, stand, stance, position”.  Ask siblings about what it was like to grow up in the same household.  There will be certain similarities, but their view of some things will differ.  Perhaps there was an age span between them so some things in the family may have changed by the time they were growing up.  Or, their view was based on their birth order.  The eldest feels the youngest got everything while the youngest feels he always got the blame for everything.  And, on and on it goes.

People who have always struggled through life financially or with health issues have a different way of looking at things than those who have not had those experiences.  Unless you have actually been through something, there is no way to relate to it – though when we dish out advice, we act like we think we can.

We don’t always understand another person and, at times, we even get frustrated with their attitudes or actions.  We feel they should think like we do, but their lives have not necessarily followed the same path as yours or mine.  “Walk a mile in my shoes” is something we have often heard.  But, who can or even wants to do that?  Our idea of getting along is very often having everyone come over to our way of thinking and doing things our way.

Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t necessarily make them wrong.  Is there someone who comes to mind right now?  Someone you think is way off and needs to be straightened out?  I have heard individuals on both sides of the political spectrum – both liberals and conservatives – say of the other side:  “They just don’t get it.”  The same exact words!  I’m not advocating abandoning our stand, viewpoint, perspective or outlook, but maybe we could take time to consider how someone else arrived at their conclusion and love them, anyway.

Maybe we could even ask God to give us HIS perspective…


“Love your neighbor as yourself…”   (Mark 12:31)


  1. Larry

    Yes Lord. Give me your perspective! Thx Teri

  2. Pam Bayha

    Another very good and challenging post. Thanks so much, Teri. ❤

  3. Todd

    As the youngest, I tend to agree with the getting blamed for everything part! And as far as someone who needs to be straightened out, I’d like to nominate Troy 😄

    • Todd, Troy and your mom were right – you did it. And, I, as the eldest (oldest?), am always right. Aunt Teri is right too. 🙂

    • Eric "The Eldest"

      It’s always the middle child’s fault. Todd – 1, Troy – 0.

  4. Linda Christian

    Lord, help us see others with your compassion and mercy, not with judgements because they think differently.

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    AMEN! Yes, may we gain the perspective of God!

    I have a split family: 3 older siblings (old enough to be my parents – and some thought they should be!) Often there was conflict among them and with us. Very suddenly in one gathering I realized that they had grown up in “the broken family,” while I grew up in a happy family. Their perspective on our parents and our lives were entirely different. BTW – mine was right! hahahaha

  6. Martha Emmons

    Ah yes! May we see things as others see things. May we see others as Jesus sees them.

  7. Marilin

    What? I’m wrong? Good thing Jesus still loves me.

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