Peer Pressure

The other day I received this adorable photo of my toddler granddaughter who insisted on wearing underwear “like her sister”.  How cute is that?

But, it also got me thinking:  how much effort do we put into being alike?  We try so hard to “keep up with the Joneses” that it threatens to bankrupt us.  We rush out to buy the latest fashion so we can appear “in”.  We want to be alike, but maybe even just a bit ahead – so that everyone will copy us!  We must have the latest electronic device, the newest vehicle, the latest remodeling job on our houses – or, even on our faces!  Nips and tucks.  I love how it’s called “plastic” surgery.  Isn’t that what we used to view as artificial?      😉

We lived in Florida when I was in junior high school and I will never forget the pressure to dress in a certain way if you wanted to be accepted:  Villager shirtwaist dresses (or Ladybug) always worn with Bass Weejuns which were obvious because the seam on the back of the shoe was vertical, not horizontal.  So, don’t even try to fake it with a cheaper version!

The Bible does not shy  away from describing people, warts and all.  Moses’ brother, Aaron, was often the spokesman.  He labored very closely with his brother as they led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.  Yet, when Moses went up the mountain to commune with God, it didn’t take long for Aaron to give in to peer pressure when the people demanded a god.  No problem.  Bring me your gold and in a flash you’ll have a calf and we can feast and party.  Of course, when Moses returned, Aaron added lying to his list, claiming he tossed gold into the fire and”out came this calf”.   (Exodus 32:24).

The gospels tell the story of Jesus being delivered to Pilate for trial.  Multiple times Pilate told them, “I find no guilt in this man”, but when they kept yelling and insisting and finally threatened him with not being a “friend of Caesar’s”, the pressure was too much and he caved, passing Jesus off to be crucified (John 19).

Most of us don’t deal with situations that are this serious, but peer pressure comes in many forms.  Often we try to acquiesce or blend in.  But, God made us male and female (talk about DIFFERENT!), black, white, tall, short.  In other words, unique.  We often hear, “Variety is the spice of life” so then why do we work so hard to make it all the same?  Granted, God gave us rules to live by; we have laws to follow.  But, why can’t we celebrate our differences instead of being what we once scorned, “Copycat!”.  This is NOT intended to be political.  It is NOT a discussion on race.  It has to do with being who we are.  Peer pressure is not something we left behind in grade school.

Examine your life.  Where are you working over-time to “fit in”, to be accepted?  Are we any better if we wear Lululemon or Under Armor or…?  If someone will only be your friend if you drive a BMW, what kind of friend is that?

My granddaughter wanted to be just like her big sister.  That’s ok.  She’s 18 months old.  What’s our excuse?



  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    There is no excuse for us!

  2. Sandra

    Thankfully, He loves us in spite of ourselves. And He gives us chance after chance. Hopefully, I will get it right before it’s too late.

  3. Anna May Riddell

    I find great solace in the fact that I am unique. Of coarse when I was young, this was not the case. I do believe wisdom comes with age I just wish we could give it to our youth so they could appreciate their uniqueness.

  4. Henry Munzinger

    Be at peace, be yourself!!

  5. Marilin

    “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26

    “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

  6. Donna

    Amen to celebrating our differences!!
    Great thoughts Teri👏🏻💕

  7. Todd

    Hey that pic looks familiar!

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