Pay It FORE-ward

Not exactly spelled correctly, is it?  “Fore” is often yelled to warn someone they are in the path of an approaching golf ball.  But, “fore” is also an adjective that indicates placing something in the front.  This happens when someone in front of you in the drive-through pays for your lunch unexpectedly.  Or, when someone does something nice for someone else, not expecting anything in return, they refer to it as paying it forward.

Why can this not also apply to forgiving?  Fore-giving.  Isn’t that placing someone else in front?  Ahead of everything else?  Ahead of hurt feelings, bitterness and anger?  For-giveness is a gift.  A gift most often undeserved.  Not everyone who offends you even realizes they have done so.  Not everyone will come back groveling and apologizing.  Some offenses may have taken place years ago and the offender either no longer recalls the incident or simply doesn’t care.

The Bible tells us to “forgive as God has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).  From the cross, Jesus asked His Father to “forgive them for they know not what they do.”  (Luke 23:34).  That is an example of GIVING at the front (fore) because the people had not repented and were clueless.  Perhaps the one who hurt you is also clueless.  Don’t wait to forgive.  Matthew 18:35 says to “forgive your brother from your heart.”  That means it’s real.  I’m thinking that’s not something I can do alone.  I’d need God’s help for that.

What’s interesting about this is that it turns out to be the “gift that keeps on giving”.  There may always be someone you need to forgive.  The offender may have already passed away or be someone you can no longer locate. But, offering that gift turns out to be a gift to yourself, too.  No more hauling around that hurt and animosity.  Talk about lightening the load!  And, maybe it makes us more aware when we inadvertently offend someone else.  Our gift to them can be admitting it.

Forgiveness is about giving a gift.  A gift of mercy.  Jesus did it for us.  Can we not follow His example?


“…forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.”  (Colossians 3:13)


  1. Linda

    Beautiful devotion. Forgiveness is a beautiful gift given to us to pass on to others.

  2. Linda Dircks

    Good word, thank you! Being quick to forgive is not necessarily in our nature without practice!

  3. Larry

    What a great word picture Teri. Just got to this blog today. Yesterday was just too busy but glad I finally got to it. It was great. Thank you.

  4. Marnie

    Forgiveness is so freeing! Thank you Lord for your love 🙂

  5. Marilin

    It’s hard to forgive and forget……but God.

  6. Emma Gene

    The opportunities are there but in some situations, it is only God’s grace that we can exhibit and nothing of ourselves.

  7. Pam Bayha

    I, too, am reading this a day late, but enjoyed your blog, as usual. (So practical and applicable) They always leave me challenged and with something to think about during the day. Have fun in New Mexico enjoying your kids and Grands!💕

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