Pass It On

Growing up, I had a very close relationship with my maternal grandmother.  I didn’t live near her but I was able to see her a couple of times a year for a few days.  She was a godly, Christian woman who knew the Lord, spoke of Him often, prayed and lived her life according to His precepts as best as she could.  My mother had grown up in the church but my parents did not continue that in our household and we did not live in the same place very long so I was always adjusting to a new school and a new neighborhood.  A church would have been a good place to make friends but it wasn’t to be.

In spite of not seeing my grama very much, she had a huge impact on my life and it helped me see – now that my own grandchildren live far away – that quality can be more important than quantity when it comes to time.

I’ve heard it said that Christians should never retire.  I don’t think that refers to job or career.  As we age, we wind down (so to speak) and seem to have less energy than we once had.  But, what about praying for loved ones and friends?  What about encouraging those who need it?

Think back to someone in your own life who made an impact on you.  What did that person do or say that made a difference?  It may have been what we call a “passing comment” but it stuck with us.  Perhaps God has used  you to do the same without you even realizing it.  Of the ten lepers Jesus helped, only one returned to express appreciation.  I can only hope my grama knew what she meant to me, but it’s too late to tell her now.

If we’re still breathing, it’s for some purpose.  It may not be big and dramatic, but someone in your life may need a touch or  call or a prayer or encouragement of some sort.  We don’t necessarily have to seek these things out.  Just be available.  Someone was there for you.  So, pass it on…


“Whoever gives you a cup of cold water in My name…”  (Mark 9:41)

“So, then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men.”  (Galatians 6:10)


  1. Crystal Hamilton

    I pray I have that impact on Leo Clark and Jack Parker as your grama had on you!! 🥰❤️Thanks Teri

  2. Linda Dircks

    I’m sure we all aspire to be that influence. Prayer and hope … and being together when God allows may have more effect that we know! THANKS, Teri!

  3. Cathy

    I can only hope and pray that I too can make that kind of impact on my grands!
    Thank you for sharing!❤️🥰🙏🏻

  4. Sandi Nagel

    What a great testament to the power of praying parents and grandparents!! Our next generation needs our love ❤️ and prayers! Thanks for always sharing your heart!!!!!

  5. Larry

    It’s my prayer that I can pass the torch. I had a very influential grandma too. So thankful for those who went before and shared!

  6. Martha

    I had two special grandmothers. I thank God for them. May I be like them for God’s glory and grandchildren’s salvation.

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