Our Upside Down World

Have you noticed how things seem all outa whack?  I grew up in the ’60s when people protested the war, chose to go to Canada to avoid the draft, attended Woodstock and proclaimed “Make love, not war” as they drove their hippie vans and smoked marijuana.  Many people were aghast at all that and called these ” turbulent times”.  Prominent leaders were assassinated and chaos reigned.  How could anything possibility be worse?

Then, we moved into a new century and less than 25 years into it, here we are.  The book of Daniel tells us (Daniel 12:4) that in the last days “knowledge will increase”.  No one knows if these are actually the last days (except God and He’s not saying), but many are hoping it to be so.  We can certainly attest to the fact that knowledge has increased in our time.  Look at all the amazing discoveries and improvements we live with each day.  Remember the first mobile phone?  It looked like a brick and weighed about the same, but we marveled at being able to call someone from the car.  Now our phones fit in our pockets and have photos and videos and movies and games and instant communication with family and friends across the globe.

Medical advancements have enabled us to enjoy our dear granddaughter who, had she been born earlier, could not have survived.  Scientists have discovered that after the birth of a child, the placenta (which fed and nurtured and grew the child in utero) is actually immensely valuable for many things, including but not limited to healing for the skin of burn victims.

You no doubt have other examples.  Yes, knowledge has definitely increased, but in the meantime, logic has decreased.  Either we have allowed technology to do so much for us that we have lost the ability to think logically, or we’re too lazy.  Or, it simply doesn’t fit our agenda.  We have come to call evil good and good evil as told to us in Isaiah 5:20.  To exacerbate the problem, as the Bible predicted in Matthew 24;12, “our love for one another will  grow cold.”  Haven’t we all witnessed this?  Everyone is so angry!  In Phoenix there was recently the story of a traffic altercation.  A man in a Jeep was annoyed with the guy in front of him so he jumped out of his vehicle at a Stop sign, approached the other car and punch the guy in the face through his open window.  The other driver got out armed with a knife and managed to graze his attacker.  The Jeep driver went back to his car to retrieve his gun and promptly fired multiple shots into the back of the other car.  This was bad enough, but an eight-year old child was in the back seat and died.  It could all have been prevented if each driver had simply gone his own way.

Let’s do our part to turn this world right side up.  Let us not (Romans 12:17) overcome evil by evil but overcome evil by doing good.


“See that no one repays another evil for evil but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all men.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:15)


  1. Anna May Riddell

    This post is so true of today. We could list many more upside down scenarios. It sometimes looks like evil is winning but we know it is not. As Christians we must stand firm, always in support of the Gospel. We know we are on the winning team, and we must continue to run this race.

  2. Larry

    Boggles the mind how things have changed so rapidly in our world but I need to remind myself He has lost control and still loves us and is coming soon to get His own! I need keep looking for opportunities!

  3. Martha

    How very true. We are so smart now but we reject the God who made us, loves us and provided a way to him. We are dumb smart. Come soon Lord Jesus.

  4. Donna

    So true . . . Thank you for the admonition to seek the good of all men.

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    Once again you have hit the proverbial nail on the head! Thanks so much. As a product of the 60’s I often forget the unrest and remember the tranquility. Selective recall they call that, I think. These are great scriptures to have waiting at the top of our head & heart for when we have opportunity to take a step back rather than a kick out!!

  6. Marilin

    My friend, Jim, used to always say to me, “knowledge is power, knowledge is power.” It drove me nuts. One day I turned to him and said, “Power to do what?” He couldn’t answer. God gives us knowledge, but He’s the one with the power. The power to turn things right side up. We can “help” by being kind.

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