Open My Eyes

Every day has its own set of challenges, doesn’t it?  How much does attitude play in how each of those days turns out?  Sometimes I have trouble sleeping.  That tends to make me cranky.  How about you?  There are days when everything seems dull and boring or frustrating.  Have you ever wondered how much of that we bring on ourselves?  I have often thought how interesting it would be if there were a way to actually calculate how many of our problems we bring on ourselves.  I bet the percentage is high!

I have friends who live in the Pacific Northwest and I have marveled at how they can live in an area that is cloudy and rainy so much of the time.  I’m afraid I would feel claustrophobic if I had to face that every day.  A friend here in Phoenix was once asked if she ever got tired of seeing the sunshine.  Her response:  “Not yet!”  My sentiments exactly…

My sister lived in Northwest Montana for many years.  East of the Continental Divide the landscape is hilly but quite open.  The wind blows a gale most every day, but the sun is always shining.  It just gets brutally cold in the winter with windchills which can sink to 40 below zero.  Brrr.  On the other side of the Divide, the temperatures are milder because of the continuous cloud cover over the vast mountain ranges.  I once asked my sister if it bothered her to live in an area that seemed to be “socked in” most of the time.  Her answer was no because “I see the sun every day” which was code for a tiny drop of sunshine that might peek through momentarily.  What a great way of looking at it!

Someone once offered a comment about the day being so gray to a Scottish cobbler who retorted, “Yes, but didn’t ya see the patch of blue?”

Regardless of the weather, we may ruin our own day by seeing only gloom and doom.   Can we not choose to find that “patch of blue”?


“I pray the eyes of your heart may be enlightened…”   (Ephesians 1:18)

“Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things…”  (Psalm 119:18)


  1. Larry

    Thx Teri for the encouragement every week. Much needed and thx for the reminder to look for that patch of blue!

  2. Linda Dircks

    Interesting perspective from a land of scorching, continuing sunshine! We had a 10 inch rain last night for about 5 minutes…when it ended I saw that the water was dried from the patio in less than an hour! Here we tend to look for the clouds to prove we’re okay. The truth is we need to see the “SON” every moment of every day. Thanks Teri!!

  3. Marilin

    Sometimes I think a beautiful sunny day is God’s way of smiling on me, but when it’s 118 degrees, I wonder what He’s saying. 😵‍💫

  4. Anne Marovich

    Thank you! Love you! Your favorite niece – Anne 🙂

  5. Marnie

    NICE! We tend to get a taste of each season sometimes in one day. ( New Mexico) It keeps all your emotions/attitude always guessing!! haha

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