Onward Through the Fog

Perhaps you’ve had the experience of driving an unfamiliar road and running into fog.  Suddenly, you can’t see anything: what’s around you, streetlights, the road ahead.  You slow down and are forced to pull over and come to a complete stop.  When it’s dark, we’re used to turning on a light; that fixes everything.  But, thick fog can almost feel oppressive when you can’t see and are left to wonder what’s ahead.

This is so very much like the future, isn’t it?  We try to “shine a light” on the future by making plans and preparations, by trying to be ready for any unforeseeable event.  Sometimes that’s hard to do – especially when you have no idea what that event might be.  When we contemplate the future, we are literally in uncharted waters.  It’s like sailing into a fog.  We can’t see what’s right in front of us and that makes it disconcerting.  It’s certainly easy to wonder about it now, isn’t it, with the world in a frenzy and “normal” life shut down?

Yet, give the scenario of not being able to see what’s ahead, the most important factor is: who is the Captain of your ship?  It doesn’t do any good to use up the present by wondering (or worrying) too much about the future.  If the God of the universe is our Captain, HE will SEE us through.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things NOT SEEN…”   (Heb. 11:1)

Onward through the fog!


  1. Carol

    Thanks, I needed that assurance this morning. His promise remains. “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

  2. Todd

    Good call. Not easy to do with my two young kids but it’s a good reminder

  3. Marilin Hyder

    This is a good reminder that we are to keep our eyes on Jesus as we fog through this pandemic.

  4. Henry Munzinger

    It used to be one day at a time, now it is one moment at a time; living with a heart condition. When I had heart procedures done, I believe that Jesus was and always will be with me. Simply put ‘Thy Will Be Done’. Trust in Jesus Always, he knows where I am going someday and thank God so do I now.

  5. Linda Lee Dircks

    Foggy is my mind sometimes. Light always makes fog worse as it reflects from tiny droplets of moisture. However, ENlightenment clears the view completely. Thanks for reminding us to remember God is God of the present.

  6. Dandra

    Such a shame that we need to be reminded that others are walking through a similar fog. But how grateful to know that God never loses sight of us.

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