Once For All

Many of you have already heard about my precious granddaughter, Renley Hope.  She was born with half a heart and thus, has endured numerous surgeries, procedures, medications, illnesses (most of which I had never heard of previously) and gone through more in her ten short years than most of us do in a lifetime.  About a year ago she was placed on a heart transplant list and to this day, we are still waiting for that perfect match.

It just so happens that I have very low blood pressure.  One day my husband – who loves to tease – told me that when I die, four people will use my heart after me because it hasn’t done anything yet!  In light of the situation with my granddaughter, I went to God (on more than one occasion) and asked Him to take me so Renley could have my heart and experience the full life that I have enjoyed.  He has not chosen to do that.  Perhaps my heart is not physically the right size or not a good match.  Obviously, He has other plans.

The difficult part of praying for a heart for a loved one is that someone else has to die in order for that heart to become available.  That means that someone else has to go through the excruciating pain of losing a loved one.  How can I ask that?  It makes me glad I am not God and don’t have to make that choice.

Someone died to save you and me.  Jesus died on the cross for us that we might have new life in Him, life everlasting that begins here and continues on in heaven in His very presence for eternity.  He died once, not just so one person could inherit His heart (as we hope for Renley), but so that anyone and everyone (who believes in Him) might be given that precious gift of new life.

We pray and wait for a heart for our child.  Jesus waits for you to come to Him in repentance and trust.  He’s knocking (Revelation 3:20).  It’s up to you to answer.

Once for all…


“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for MANY.”  (Mark 10:45)

“For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)



  1. Cathy

    Beautifully stated! Thank You Lord for giving Your life for us. Even when we don’t understand the why’s in life, we can trust You. Thank you Teri for sharing your special gift!

  2. Mary W

    Your reflection brings perspective to truth that cannot be ignored. Thank you.

  3. Misty

    What a beautiful poignant analogy Teri. Thank you for this message.

  4. Pam Bayha

    Thank you for another blog that cuts through this superficial world to the “heart” of the Gospel and how blessed we are to have a Savior who loves us so much that He gave His life for us….and for all those who He is waiting to welcome into His family. How we pray for these friends and family He is waiting for. Continuing to pray for Renley, too, and that perfect heart that is going to be hers someday. ❤🙏❤

  5. Marnie

    Beautiful 🙂

  6. Crystal

    Praying many people will get new hearts this year-spiritual and physical.
    Great word again my friend.

  7. Larry

    Kinda puts everything in perspective. She’s so cute and even though she was born with so much stuff, sets us all an example! Keep smiling! Cause He gave His heart for us!

  8. Donna

    So good to see precious Renley! Life and death matters are weighty. . . What a gracious God to give of Himself that we might LIVE!

  9. Linda

    I love seeing your precious granddaughter! We will pray that Henley will get a new heart in 2025. And, of course, all of our family members and friends will receive a new heart that is responsive and active to God’s Word.


    What a beautiful picture of Renley! Thanks for sharing. We pray for the perfect exchange … the heart that fits, is strong and gives life. Jesus gave His life for us so that He can live in our hearts until we can live by His side. Someone will give their life for Renley to live!

  11. Martha

    Praying for Renley. Praying for God’s will.

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