On A Wing And A Prayer

It seems that each generation has its own set of idioms and sayings that are common in their respective times.  This particular expression came to mind on a recent flight I took out to visit my son and his wife in California.  As we began our descent, we went through very dense cloud cover for what seemed like an awfully long time.  I thought about pilots flying “on instruments”, as it’s called when they can’t see anything.  Since I love a window seat, I had a great view of literally nothing but the wing.  My mind went immediately to the expression in the title today.

It originated during World War II in the film entitled “The Flying Tigers” (1942).  The pilot had suffered the loss of one wing of his aircraft and was forced to land with one remaining wing – and a prayer.

The idiom itself is used, for instance, by someone taking a job but not being certain of success, or a company that is almost out of money, operating on their last dime – on a wing and a prayer.

As I looked out the window, I had what some might perceive to be an odd feeling under the circumstances.  Rather than feeling disconcerted over being in the thick clouds with nothing else in sight, I felt a strange peace.  It was as if I were getting a picture of what it will be like to be whisked off to heaven.  Then, the words of the song came to me:  “I will raise you up on eagles’ wings…and hold you in the palm of My hand.”

We may not see the future, but the One who holds the future certainly does.  And, He alone will bring us through.


“…how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.”  (Exodus 19:4)


  1. Stephanie

    Thankful to find peace and rest in this truth.

  2. Marnie

    Man, what a peaceful moment to experience!

  3. Larry

    Amen. Thankful He is our wings!

  4. Sandra

    And in the study of Revelation today – 14:16
    “So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.” Come, Lord Jesus!

  5. Sharon Elliott

    That is wonderful that when you were in the clouds you felt peace instead of fear. God was there by your side.

  6. Sharon Elliott

    That was wonderful that you felt peace instead of fear. God was by your side.

  7. Linda Lee Dircks

    What a delicious thought! We are surely safe in His hands … Thanks, Teri

  8. Marilin

    Thank you for this reminder that we can have peace in situations where others may fear. How many times in our life have we gone forward on a “wing and a prayer?” Trusting God for the outcome.

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