
Some of you may remember the TV series named for the lead character:  Seinfeld.  It was a show about nothing.  And, it lasted over 10 years!  Many of us think we often do nothing and then we wind up feeling guilty.  I once thought, “I’m too busy doing nothing to get anything done.”

The plain truth is that, while we may not accomplish much of any real value at times, we aren’t very good at actually doing NOTHING.  Our problem is that we can get so distracted.  Our electronics are built to do this.  We have computers and cell phones that have all the latest news, sports, rumors, innuendos, shopping opportunities and a host of other delights which seem to call our name.  We would never admit it, of course, but we are truly addicted!  It seems we can’t put our devices down.  They must be glued to us at all times, or we feel as though we have lost an appendage.

The Dutch have come up with something both revolutionary and ingenuous.  It’s called “niksen” and actually means to “do nothing”.  Our idea of doing nothing is to avoid cleaning or doing laundry or to just sit and scroll through our news app or look up recipes or check out Amazon to see what we “can’t live without”.

Niksen isn’t easy.  It may sound like a total waste of time.  It actually takes awhile to get used to because it involves truly doing nothing.  And, the good news is that it’s very healthy.  Back in the “olden days”, people had to work all day just to raise their food to provide for their families.  They worked from sunup to sundown.  The idea of relaxing was not necessarily on their radar.  However, in spite of their lack of “conveniences”, they also did not have all the distractions we have and, when time allowed, could sit and stare out at the land and enjoy the scenery.  Today, with all of the many tools for making life easier, we are  more stressed than ever as we constantly try to keep up with every last tidbit on Twitter or the news networks which bombard us with “Breaking News”.

Why not try doing nothing – even for 20 minutes?  Put away all electronics.  Turn off all notifications.  Find a comfortable, quiet spot.  Let go of schedules, responsibilities, planning.  God’s Creation is a great facilitator.  Sit and stare at a tree or a flower.  Recall what it was like to be a kid, free of responsibilities.  Enjoy the moment.  Rest in it. Do NOTHING.  If you’re worried about wasting too much time, set a timer and then don’t think about it anymore.

This is not where we can live every minute of the day.  But, it’s definitely an investment in our mental and physical and emotional and spiritual well-being.  Let’s remember that we are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS.  Taking care of yourself is like putting your own (oxygen) mask on first in an airplane, as they instruct us before every flight.

Try “nixing” sometime.  It may be “just what the doctor ordered”.


“In Him we live and move and have our BEING…”     (Acts 17:28)


  1. Linda Lee Dircks

    Alrighty then: You’re on to something – I can keep “doing” what I’m doing, I can give it a name “Nixing: and not feel guilty!

  2. Cathy

    Such wise council! Thank you! I will certainly be adding “nixing” to my life more regularly!🥰

  3. Anna May Riddell

    I loved the word and the concept. For me ‘meditation” comes closest to it. This quiet, set aside time is precious and life revitalizing. Thank you for the reminder

  4. I have do nothing time every AM – I just look out the window and stare into space! Then I pray for a few minutes. It makes my day!

  5. Donna

    Niksen – got it!! This is my favorite post this year!!!!!🤣. So good. As I sit and look at our tree, and see the leaves blow gently with the wind, I’m reminded of how the Holy Spirit moves in ways we cannot see to affect outcomes of His choosing. Encouraged-thanks!!😍

  6. Sandi Nagel

    What a great reminder!!! Be still and know!!! I love doing this! No guilt!!! Sabbatical from technology!!!!! Good for the soul!! Thanks for helping us start this in 2022!

  7. Acts 17:28 was one of my mom’s favorite verses. I have the rock she had with this verse written on it. Love, anne

  8. Martha Emmons

    What a good reminder. Be still and know I am God. Ps 46:10

  9. Marilin

    Thanks for the reminder. I know where that sign is!! One of my favorite “nothings” is to sit on the lanai and listen to the wind whistling through the trees. I also like to sit and listen to the ocean as it ebbs and flows. It’s peaceful, and my thoughts can wander. It’s refreshing and soothes my soul. Even for a few moments. And, sometimes I doze off. My grandmother always used to tell us girls to “sit down and take five.” She was wise.

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